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  • Thanks for the reply,
    but again, i’m not sure if the problem is the error msg or maybe it’s actually ok that the sender is not the same as the blog’s domain?

    i changed the ‘fake’ user’s (the one that i’m using in Subscriber2) email from [email protected] to [email protected] just to see the difference in the email source, and this is the outcome:

    Delivered-To: [email protected]
    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
    Received: from ([])
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: =xxxx=
    From: blogname <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: <[email protected]>

    so compared to the prev email src, it’s obvious that you control the ‘From’, and ‘Reply-To’,
    so maybe, and again i’m not an expert on email ‘rules’, in scenarios like mine (on shared hosting etc), the ‘From’ should be the hosting address (and not the domain, since the email are coming from the hosting mail server), and the ‘Reply-To’ can actually be anything the user chooses?
    or maybe just to have the ability to manually set these settings with an input box? that way you can set the reply-to to a diff address, since many admins probably never read their domain email at all.

    I don’t see why these 2 settings has to be the domain, while the ‘Return-Path’ and ‘Received’ are set to the hosting’s.

    also i noted on my prev comment, that when i select in Subscriber2 ‘From’ dropdown the ‘blog name’, and set the blog email to the domain, it shows the warning msg, as if it’s pulling the email from somewhere else, why is that?

    thanks again

    Hi mattyrob, i could be wrong but i think there is a prob with this warning

    in the ‘Send Email From’ dropdown, there are 3 ‘types’ of choices:
    – post author
    – user1/2/3..
    – blog name

    i started by using the blog name, so i would assume it checks the email settings under ‘Settings -> General -> E-mail Address’. I tried setting this email to use the same as the domain, but i still get this warning,
    and since i hate to see error msgs, i tried to use your suggestion, to create a user with the domain email, which ‘solved’ the prob (eliminated the warning), but the issue is like this:

    the outgoing mail server has the hosting domain name, and is different from the incoming address which has the blog domain name..

    here’s a short version of the email source:

    Delivered-To: [email protected]
    Return-Path: <[email protected]>
    Received: from ([])
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: =xxxx=
    From: blogname <[email protected]>
    Reply-To: blogname <[email protected]>

    so you can see that the sender (hostname mail server) is diff from the ‘from/reply-to’ which uses the domain name.
    when i gave the new user the hosting email (outgoing), i still got the warning, and only when i used the domain (incoming) email, the warning disappeared..

    i’m no email expert, but not sure if this makes much sense? is it ok to have the ‘From’ diff from the ‘Receieved: from’?

    also note that although i get this warning, the emails are working fine..

    also when using the ‘post author’ choice, it might not make sense for many blogs as mostly users use their own email address and not the domain’s? altho having this option won’t hurt..

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