For me all 61 variations in one product were broken with the error: “Sorry no products matched your selection, please choose a different combination”. Product support told me my variations were written screwy and tested a single variation from a copy of the product page to prove their point. However, this is not the case. These variations were working perfectly before updating to 2.4. On the advice of Product support, I deleted all 61 variations (hours of work to create) and began to re-assemble them. I think I know what the defect is. For me, up to 20 variations will work fine, but if you add variation #21, none work and you get the above error. I believe this is caused b the new pagination functionality added with 2.4. I’m pretty PO’ed. I’ve lost 3 days of sales on our most popular product, spent hours trying to fix it, and PS tells me to remake my variations! Switching themes did not work for me. Way to go QA. Ticket #323275