Forum Replies Created
On WPMUdev you can not turn off object cache, but one of the technicians managed to work around the problem by first cloning the site and then clear the cache. First clearing the cache and then clone did not work, but the other way around seems to work.
Sorry to bump this, but we are using WPMUdev, flushed the object cache, Hummingbird turned off, running WP 5.8.3, but there is still the same problem. It used to work perfect a couple of weeks ago. Am I missing something with the flushing (or some other step). The cloning procedure tells me everything worked fine, but the result is not.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Customizing the Gutenberg block Embed WordPressUnfortunately I have already read that and it didn’t help in my case. I would like for example to embed a whole page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Encyclopedia / Glossary / Wiki] How does this handle multisiteAs I expected, but thank you for confirming it. ??
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Widget that lists subsitesSix days and no answer. I have been digging around in the php file for clues. I do not know anything about coding, but I guess the “only” thing I have to do in the php file is to change this:
‘orderby’ => ‘last_updated’,
to list the sites alphabetically based on subsites name, but to what?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Multisite Site Index] List alphabeticallyI guess the only thing I have to do in the php file is to change this:
'orderby' => 'last_updated',
to lite the sites alphabetically based on subsites name, but to what?Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Links from subsite to pages on main siteI will try it with a testrun. Thank you for the information.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Widget that lists subsitesI have done so and is waiting for an answer, but is looking for alternatives while I wait.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Links from subsite to pages on main siteSo that was my lack of knowledge talking. ?? So, just to make sure, I can make an ordinary link to a page on the “external” main site and the link won’t break if I rename the page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ivory Search - WordPress Search Plugin] WordPress 5.7 compatibility?Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ivory Search - WordPress Search Plugin] WordPress 5.7 compatibility?Excellent, thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Link Library] Compatible with WordPress 5.7?Excellent, thanks.
Looking forward to it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] No date or timeI do not think that hiding it would help since I have other events that to have specifik times and dates. I was looking into the addon “The Events Calendar Extension: Events Control” if there was an “preliminary time/date” or “time/date not set” option but no such luck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Woo Swish e-commerce] DonationerDet st?mmer att det g?r att anv?nda Woocommerce, men d? ingen av webbplatserna som jag t?nker p? s?ljer n?got (det handlar om ideella organisationer) s? skulle en Woocommerce-l?sning f?r att ha en enda virtuell produkt vara som att skjuta mygg med luftv?rnskanon. Min tankebana var mer inne p? en l?sning, rimligtvis i form av ett eget till?gg, som fungerar ungef?r som existerande till?gg d?r man donerar till Paypal och liknande.
Eftersom det handlar om ideella organisationer l?r det inte g? att vaska fram pengar f?r utveckling, d?remot tror jag att det skulle bli andra tong?ngar om det fanns en produkt det gick att peka p? och s?ga om vi har den kan bes?kare donera med Swish. D? skulle det bli l?ttare att f? dem att plocka pl?nboken f?r en eng?ngssumma eller ett abonnemang.