Forum Replies Created
Yes please, I was going to ask the same.
Okay, final correction (I believe).
if( $result === '#_EVENTDATES_LOCAL' ){
$start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp();
$end_time = $this->event_start_date == $this->event_end_date ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp();
$start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp();
$end_time = $this->event_start_time == $this->event_end_time ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp();
}should be outside the IF function, without the rest, or it will mess things up.
@joneiseman okay found the final issue and fix.
This whole section:
if( $result === '#_EVENTDATES_LOCAL' ){
$time_format = ( get_option('dbem_date_format') ) ? get_option('dbem_date_format'):get_option('date_format');
$start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp();
$end_time = $this->event_start_date == $this->event_end_date ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp();
if( empty($separator) ) $separator = get_option('dbem_dates_separator');
$time_format = ( get_option('dbem_time_format') ) ? get_option('dbem_time_format'):get_option('time_format');
$start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp();
$end_time = $this->event_start_time == $this->event_end_time ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp();
if( empty($separator) ) $separator = get_option('dbem_times_separator');
}Should be outside the
if( empty($time_format) ){...}
function, not inside. This was the error and completely fixes it. Final version, corrected:case '#_EVENTTIMES_LOCAL': case '#_EVENTDATES_LOCAL': if( !defined('EM_JS_MOMENTJS_PH') || EM_JS_MOMENTJS_PH ){ // check for passed parameters, in which case we skip replacements entirely and use pure moment formats $time_format = $separator = null; if( !empty($placeholder_atts[1]) ){ $params = explode(',', $placeholder_atts[1]); if( !empty($params[0]) ) $time_format = $params[0]; if( !empty($params[1]) ) $separator = $params[1]; } if( empty($separator) ) $separator = get_option('dbem_times_separator'); // if no moment format provided, we convert the one stored for times in php if( empty($time_format) ){ // convert EM format setting to moment formatting, adapted from $replacements = array( /* Day / 'jS' => 'Do', /o doesn't exist on its own, so we find/replase jS only/ 'd' => 'DD', 'D' => 'ddd', 'j' => 'D', 'l' => 'dddd', 'N' => 'E', /'S' => 'o' - see jS/ 'w' => 'e', 'z' => 'DDD', / Week / 'W' => 'W', / Month / 'F' => 'MMMM', 'm' => 'MM', 'M' => 'MMM', 'n' => 'M', 't' => '#t', / days in the month => moment().daysInMonth(); / / Year / 'L' => '#L', / Leap year? => moment().isLeapYear(); / 'o' => 'YYYY', 'Y' => 'YYYY', 'y' => 'YY', / Time / 'a' => 'a', 'A' => 'A', 'B' => '', / Swatch internet time (.beats), no equivalent / 'g' => 'h', 'G' => 'H', 'h' => 'hh', 'H' => 'HH', 'i' => 'mm', 's' => 'ss', 'u' => 'SSSSSS', / microseconds / 'v' => 'SSS', / milliseconds (from PHP 7.0.0) / / Timezone / 'e' => '##T', / Timezone - deprecated since version 1.6.0 of moment.js, we'll use Intl.DateTimeFromat().resolvedOptions().timeZone instead. / 'I' => '##t', / Daylight Saving Time? => moment().isDST(); / 'O' => 'ZZ', 'P' => 'Z', 'T' => '#T', / deprecated since version 1.6.0 of moment.js, using GMT difference with colon to keep it shorter than full timezone / 'Z' => '###t', / time zone offset in seconds => moment().zone() * -60 : the negative is because moment flips that around; / / Full Date/Time / 'c' => 'YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ssZ', / ISO 8601 / 'r' => 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss ZZ', / RFC 2822 */ 'U' => 'X', ); // Converts escaped characters. foreach ($replacements as $from => $to) { $replacements['\' . $from] = '[' . $from . ']'; $time_format = strtr($time_format, $replacements); } //fixing error if( $result === '#_EVENTDATES_LOCAL' ){ $time_format = ( get_option('dbem_date_format') ) ? get_option('dbem_date_format'):get_option('date_format'); $start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp(); $end_time = $this->event_start_date == $this->event_end_date ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp(); if( empty($separator) ) $separator = get_option('dbem_dates_separator'); }else{ $time_format = ( get_option('dbem_time_format') ) ? get_option('dbem_time_format'):get_option('time_format'); $start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp(); $end_time = $this->event_start_time == $this->event_end_time ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp(); if( empty($separator) ) $separator = get_option('dbem_times_separator'); } wp_enqueue_script('moment', '', array(), false, true); //add to footer if not already // start output ob_start(); ?> <span class="em-date-momentjs" data-date-format="<?php echo esc_attr($time_format); ?>" data-date-start="<?php echo $start_time ?>" data-date-end="<?php echo $end_time ?>" data-date-separator="<?php echo esc_attr($separator); ?>">JavaScript Disabled</span> <?php $replace = ob_get_clean(); } break;
$start_time = $this->start()->getTimestamp();
$end_time = $this->event_start_date == $this->event_end_date ? $start_time : $this->end()->getTimestamp();outside this if statement
if( empty($time_format) ){...}
fixes the problem. something must be wrong with the original placement of this code.- This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by fjr9.
I 100% agree. This could be an amazing events plugin (the best) but is compeltely ruined by the terrible terrible support and development. Pro support is absolutely lacking, one could say inexistent, and big bugs that are reported consistently are not fixed for months/years.
It’s a shame, as this plugin deserves a much better and competent team.
Hi @sanumolu5 , I don’t really know how to do it with Smart Slider 3 since I’ve never used it.
To show upcoming events ordered by date and time, and ignore past events, I can only think of using the EM events widget.
All else would need to be custom coded. I just offered to send the specific formats I created
Thanks @baboehm , your experience is appreciated and helpful.
@baboehm thank you for your input. I don’t know how it used to be, but honestly right now the support is completely lacking. And that makes me sad because this plugin deserves a better support. It could be the best Events plugin, but the support experience is terrible and brings the quality of the plugin down completely.
For example, I noticed you posted 3 months ago an issue that I myself encountered and is critical to me, this is your post:
And this is mine:
And they replied to you they were going to fix it in the next update. 3 MONTHS LATER still no fix. For a bug of this importance, this is what I consider very poor support/development.
@joneiseman I’ve tried it also with Elementor Pro but it has a big issue which is it will display the events based on the date you published them, not on the date of the event itself, so they’re not ordered. Also it will display all events, no matter whether they have passed or not. So it’s not really practical.
So I’ve gone ahead a coded my own version that I use with the EM events widget. I made a grid style and a list style, and I’ll paste the screenshots below. The grid is of 4 columns but can easily be changed to 3. I’m available to help you do this.
Grid style:
List style:
Hey @joneiseman, I tried making that chage and the result was that
now outputs the same as_EVENTDATES _LOCAL
(so the right date but without the formatting)Seems like it is now displaying correctly when using the standard Elementor “posts” widget, but not others like the dynamic “loop” builder. I’ll consider this half-solved for now
@joneiseman so it’s an issue with the plugin itself. Yes, I hope they see this and fix it. Thanks
@joneiseman thanks for the fast response.
No, I checked and it’s allowed everywhere. And as you can see it works in the first view loaded.
Hi @wfpeter , thank you for your response.
I believe it is created by BuddyBoss
Thanks! When will you release it? If it is soon I can just wait ??