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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best way to embed youtube vid's in wordpress 3.0.1?thanks, works great ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: From where i can set the title of the attachment page?hm infact its showing the post/page name, then the image name, then the blog name
and if you are targeting one keyword, it does look spammy
removing the blog name at the end would help a lot
while the seo plugin can be used to set those for msot other pages, it doesnt work for the attachament pageso do we have a way to modify just the attachment page title creation?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best way to embed youtube vid's in wordpress 3.0.1?thanks! ??
and can we alight the object or make text wrap around it?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Best way to embed youtube vid's in wordpress 3.0.1?i’m also just seeing a link using the insert video option
when i paste the embed code in html mode its ok though, but im not sure if that’s the right way to do it?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NoIndex Single Page or Posts – Robots Meta Doesn’t Work?That’s what i would like to know as well
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: From where i can set the title of the attachment page?yes, but with the blog name before and after the image name
it looks kinda spammyForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Changing the DIR of the attachment page pictures.You are geniuss! ??
Here are the details in case someone else has the same problem.
Since this particular page was set for home page, the permalink was just the domain, when in full edit mode.
That’s why i was struggling to find from where that DIRNAME came/But when you go back to the pages list and click “quick edit” in the “slug field” you see that dir name, which my case was from old site (i cloned WP) you can just delete it and update, it will auto set the current post name as the new slug ??
After doing quite few sites like that without any problems, today i found something.
When you add a gallery and set it to show each picture in its own page, it uses a dir from the old domain
here is the url to the page
records for “olddomaindir” are found in the “wp_options” table
option_id blog_id option_name option_value autoload
531 0 rewrite_rules a:208:{s:159:”^(it|ko|zh-CN|zh-TW|pt|en|de|fr|es|j… yesin the “option_value” column
how to fix that without replacing all the rewrites or deleting them, since there are quite few from the plugins which i guess i need
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to change plugins load order?and what if your theme uses this code right after the post end:
<?php the_content(‘Read the rest of this entry »’);?></div>
//post end
if($topAd[‘inpostad2’] != ” && !$custom_fields[‘_mcf_postDisableInPostAd’][0]) {
echo ‘<div id=”socratesinpostadbottom” style=”clear: both; display: block;”>’.stripslashes($topAd[‘inpostad2’]).'</div>‘;
?>to show ads, which are supposed to be right after the post, but in my case 3 other plugins are above them.
How i can prioritize not a plugin but those lines to show the ads first?the same problem here as well! really want that
any other plugins that make it work?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Redirection] Home Page Redirects to new wordpress pagei have the same problem with 3.0.1 but none of those helped for me
– deleting the records from the Mysql db
– deactivating the posts group
– deactivating the plug-in
– deleting the plug-in
– overwriting the htaccess file.for few of my sites, the deleting from the mysql directly fixed it right away, but for this particular site none of the above helped.
Any ideas? ??I have the same problem, on the rest of my sites i solved it by deleting the redirection record from the mysql db directly. You have to do that every time you make a new page.
But unfortunately on another site i just added a page, it doesnt work! Deactivating the plug-in neither. I dont have page group for modified pages which to delete, just modified posts.
Right now i’m stuck with homepage redirect and can’t remove it! ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't add links to separate images from a gallerymy bad, it’s 3.0.1
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't add links to separate images from a gallery3.1 ??
Sounds like a good way to do it, thanks James
Do i need something from the files to transfer over?