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  • Plugin Author flashpixx


    The plugin uses Google Chart API and the API does not support imho the changing of the textsize. If you find any reference to change it, I can add the feature to the plugin

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    The do_shortcode filter ( is not implementated yet, the tags must be used without do_shortcode. For using the functionality in plain PHP files you can use the get-method in the link class

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    You can do this with the type option “text”, but a full post is a little bit strange and you can not use any html / formating data

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    I know only that PHP 5.2 does not have any namespaces, but the problem with anonymous function are unknown for me.

    I’m thinking about a port to GitHub, because in your case you can fork the plugin sources. Do you think, this can be helpful for you? In this case I can migrate the plugin sources to GitHub.

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    Do you remove the PHP Namespaces?
    I’m using the NS, because I can create seperated structures on all my plugins and PHP 5.2 is a very old system, so an upgrade should be better choice because security reasons.

    I will migrate my plugins to GitHub and use GitSVN to update the plugindata on WP, so this can be a fork on the plugin source. I don’t want create a downgrade of the plugin source, except it is needed


    Plugin Author flashpixx


    Please read the requirements, you need PHP 5.3 at least

    Thread Starter flashpixx


    I have tested the problem without var_dump ??

    After reinstalling the plugin, I get on new posts the correct option from the general settings. But my earlier posts the problems exists, so I have deleted the WB rows on the post_meta table and after that the correct general settings are shown in the post.

    Thanks for your information about the source excerpt. But my question is, can you add an option to the plugin, which resets the post meta data for all posts or a subset of posts? In my case I can delete all WB rows on the table and for me the problem is solved, but a “global overwrite” option can be a nice feature.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter flashpixx


    No, the posts are regular posts.
    Do you store the publish information into the post metadata (I do this in my plugin)? Can be solved the problem if all WB settings on the post / pages are be reset?
    So a “global” option in the WB general settings, that reset hard all post / page WB data.

    Thread Starter flashpixx


    Sorry, I have forgot to copy it:

    Wordbooker: 2.1.29
    Wordbooker Code Base: 2.1.29 R00 – One of These Days
    Wordbooker ID: 254577506873
    Wordbooker Schema: 5.6
    WordPress: 3.5.1
    Table prefix: fpx_
    PHP: 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.18
    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Memory Usage (MB): 67.25
    JSON Encode: PHP
    JSON Decode: PHP
    Curl Status: Curl is available and can access Facebook – All is OK ( Response Time was : 0.490499973297 seconds )
    Curl Version: 7.19.7
    JSON Version: 1.2.1
    SimpleXML library: 0.1 (provided by PHP)
    HTTP Output Character Encoding: pass
    Internal PHP Character Encoding: UTF-8
    MySQL: 5.1.66-0ubuntu0.10.04.3
    Database character_set_client : utf8
    Database character_set_connection : utf8
    Database character_set_database : latin1
    Database character_set_filesystem : binary
    Database character_set_results : utf8
    Database character_set_server : latin1
    Database character_set_system : utf8
    Database character_sets_dir : /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
    Database collation_connection : utf8_general_ci
    Database collation_database : latin1_swedish_ci
    Database collation_server : latin1_swedish_ci
    Server : Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
    Aktivierte Plugins:
    Akismet ( 2.5.7 )
    All in One SEO Pack ( )
    Amazon Link ( 3.0.4 )
    Comments Cleaner ( 1.3 )
    Custom Meta ( 1.0 )
    DigoWatchWP ( 0.9 )
    Eval PHP ( 0.1 )
    GeSHi Source Colorer ( 0.13 )
    GitHub User Repo Widget ( 1.0.0 )
    Google Analytics for WordPress ( 4.2.8 )
    Google XML Sitemaps ( 3.2.9 )
    Image Text ( 0.55 )
    JSXGraph ( 0.83 )
    Lightbox Plus ColorBox ( 2.6 )
    Login LockDown ( v1.5 )
    Manage Upload Types ( 1.2 )
    Mathjax Latex ( 1.0 )
    NextGEN Gallery ( 1.9.12 )
    RB Internal Links ( 2.0.14 )
    reCAPTCHA Form ( 1.3.1 )
    Reference 2 Wiki ( 0.21 )
    Related External Links ( 1.0.2 )
    Repository Zip ( 0.14 )
    Simple Tags ( 2.2 )
    Simple Trackback Validation ( 2.1 )
    Google PageRank Tool ( 12.08 )
    Social Links Sidebar ( 1.0 )
    TranslateThis Button ( 0.1 )
    WordPress Social Ring ( 1.2.2 )
    WP-DBManager ( 2.63 )
    WP-Footnotes ( 4.2.2 )
    WP to Twitter ( 2.5.9 )
    WP-TOC ( 1.1 )
    WPtouch ( 1.9.42 )
    XML Google Maps ( 1.14.0 )
    Yet Another Related Posts Plugin ( 4.0.4 )

    Thread Starter flashpixx


    I have disabled the WB like button, because I can not create a working solution.

    I have setup the general options to

    the metabox options on the post edit page are always

    and the user options are

    so I think each post should be pulished to FB, but it does not except I set manually the first checkbox on the second screenshot every time.

    Thread Starter flashpixx


    I have setup the “general options” to

    Artikel standardm??ig bei Facebook ver?ffentlichen : yes
    Seiten standarm??ig bei Facebook ver?ffentlichen : yes
    Artikel werden unter diesem Facebook-Nutzer publiziert: Phil
    Publish Posts by non Wordbooker users : yes
    Allow non Wordbooker users to chose to publish a post : no
    Zeichenl?nge des Textauszuges : 100
    Post Attribute : neuen Blogartikel geschrieben
    Facebook Status Attribut : : neuer Artikel : %title% – %link%
    Link Option: share
    Aktiviere die erweiterte Beschreibung für “Teilen”-Links : no
    L?nge der Beschreibung im HTML-Meta-Tag : 150

    So IMHO all posts should be posted to my FB page, does it?

    The option in the metabox on the article edit page:
    Ver?ffentliche diesen Artikel bei Facebook
    is always off (for new and old articles), I must set the option each time manually, if I publish or refresh an article. If I set them the article is published, but I have activated that all articles should be posted in the global options, so IMHO all articles should be published every time.

    Do you have got an idea, because the like button is not shown. I have set the global options
    Facebook-“Gef?llt mir”-Button einbinden : yes
    “Gef?llt mir”-Button auf der Startseite anzeigen : no
    “Gef?llt mir”-Button in den Kategorien anzeigen : no
    “Gef?llt mir”-Button auf Seiten anzeigen : yes
    “Gef?llt mir”-Button in Artikeln anzeigen : yes
    Zeige keine Facebook-Buttons bei “Sticky”-Artikel an : no
    Breite des “Gef?llt mir”-Buttons : 250
    Anzeige des “Gef?llt mir”-Buttons : above article
    Facebook Like – Align Button : left side
    “Gef?llt mir” oder “Empfehlen” anzeigen? : like
    Farbschema : light
    Schriftart : arial
    Layout : standard
    Profilbilder anzeigen (nur bei “Standard”-Layout) : no
    Kombiniere den “Senden”- und “Gef?llt mir”-Button : yes
    “Senden”-Button anzeigen : yes

    It seems, that the local article option overwrite the global option every time

    Thread Starter flashpixx


    I have removed all WB tables and reauthenticate the plugin.
    I have add in the settings, that each article should be posted (also by non-WB-users) to the facebook page. In the article data this default option is always disable, so I must enable the publish option to the facebook wall for each article on each edit

    The Like-buttons does not work at the moment

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    you’re welcome *g*

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    Please read the requirements ( of the plugin. You don’t use PHP 5.3

    Plugin Author flashpixx


    Thanks, I will add a more flexible solution (upload for Geshi style definitions) in the next update. You can add the file manually: Move it to the <plugin directory>/external/geshi

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