Can you please check what is wrong in this syntax:
Include DirName(__FILE__) . ‘/includes/class.theme.php’;
$THEME = New WordPress\Theme\Gray_and_Square\Core;
Include DirName(__FILE__) . ‘/includes/class.bootstrap-wp-formats.php’;
New WordPress\Theme\Gray_and_Square\Bootstrap_WP_Formats;
/**************** Theme Check Fixes ****************/ return;
# The theme displays tags for posts in the single-post.php
$fix = ‘the_tags()’;
# Of course the theme has an archive pagination
$fix = ‘next_posts_link() and previous_posts_link()’;
# And of course comments pagination too
$fix = ‘next_comments_link() and previous_comments_link()’;
I have information that problem is in line 5 (Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/spytko/public_html/wp-content/themes/gray-and-square/functions.php on line 5).
I have no idea what could be wrong in the code…