Forum Replies Created
I am not sure why this happened. Can you connect to FTP and remove the plugin directly and then add a new copy (download the plugin again and unzip the archive). Copy the folder on wp-plugin and after that try to activate the plugin.
Also, please enable DEBUGGING mode (WP_DEBUG set to true in wp-config.php) and let me know if you see any errors.
Please give me the URL of your website as well after you activate the plugin, so I can check it. If you’d rather keep it private, you can contact me at florentina[at]appticles[dot]com
The error message usually shows up when the folder already exists in your directory structure. Whenever a plugin is installed, WordPress attempts to create the folder, but if you already have a folder with the same name the installation will fail and you see that error message. This sometimes happens because of a previously failed plugin installation.
You can check via FTP if you already have a folder named “/wordpress-mobile-pack/” by navigating to wp-content/plugins. If you find this folder delete it (the /wordpress-mobile-pack/ folder) then attempt re-installation via the Plugins page in your Dashboard.
Were you having troubles with the custom cover? Can you please tell me what the problem was? If it is a bug, we would like to fix it before the next release.
Thank you.
I can show how to hide the author in the web app. The date cannot be hidden at this point, we will try to make adjustments for the next release.
If you want to hide the author, you must go to plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/export-class.php and search for the “author” word on the page
(It will look like: “author” => get_the_author_meta(‘user_nicename’, $post->post_author ))
You can either remove or comment this line (comment with //), but make sure you only change the following methods: exportCategories, exportArticles, exportArticle.
Keep in mind that when you will want to update the plugin , you will have to make the same changes in the new version.
I tested your website and it loads correctly. Can you give me the user agent of the browser that loads the application? If you do not know how to get it, contact me by e-mail and I will explain how.
Can you give me the url of your website so I can check it? If you want, you can contact me at florentina[at]appticles.com and send it to me privately.
Can you clear the cache from W3 Total Cache and let me know if the behavior still persists?
We are working on integrating with the caching plugins to prevent these interactions and releasing a new version of WordPress Mobile Pack.
Can you give me the user agent of the browser you are using? Also, can you tell me if you have any caching plugins installed?
Thank you.
There may be a problem with the mobile emulator you used because the plugin loads the application depending on the user agent and not the screen size. I suggest you use Safari’s built in developer tools, where you can select which user agent you want to use (in this case iPhone) and try to see if the application loads correctly.
I checked your website and there is no trace of WordPress Mobile Pack.
Please make sure you activated the plugin and on the Settings tab, the display mode is set to normal.
I’ve checked the list of plugins. The reason the web app does not load is because of Jetpack’s Mobile Theme. It must be deactivated in order to see the web app correctly.
The web app displays the user_nicename of the author. If you want to change that contact me by e-mail at florentina[at]appticles.com and I will send you a patch.
I will check out these plugins and let you know.
We may add support for password protected posts and pages in the future, we are still deciding on the features for each release. If we have enough requests we may add it on our Roadmap.
Are you using WordPress Mobile Pack on your website? Can you give me the url of your website so I can check the problem?