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home_url() function returns the Site Address (URL) so it should echo the url without /wordpress. Please tell me if in your wp-config.php file you cand find a line “define( ‘WP_HOME’,….)” ?
The current version of WordPress Mobile Pack does not display Pages, so there is no way around this at the moment.
Are you using V2.0 of WordPress Mobile Pack?
Your home url is different from the site url, so to make it work you can go to wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/admin/sections/wmp-show-mobile.php and replace “<?php echo get_bloginfo(‘url’);?>” with “<?php echo home_url();?>”.
There may be an error in the export that send the information to the app.
The errors there are disabled in order for the app not to crash when there are small notices, so could you please:
1. Go to plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php
2. Remove the line “error_reporting(0);”
3. Open in any browser https://www.worthynews.com/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php?content=exportcategories& dc=1402584055610&limit=9&descriptionLength=300&page=1&start=0&callback=Ext.data.JsonP.callback1And let me know if there are any error?
Also, could you tell me what’s the WordPress version you’re using?If you do not manage to change that file, please contact me at florentina[at]appticles[dot]com and I will send you the updated file for testing.
In order to debug your mobile app you can go to themes/index.php and replace “app.js” with “app.extended.js”. Then open the app in Safari with the iPhone User Agent set and an open console(right click -> inspect element -> Console tab) and check if there are any errors returned by the app.
Then access this link: https://www.worthynews.com/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/export/content.php?content=exportcategories&limit=2&descriptionLength=50 and check if it returns a JSON.
If there are no errors in the console and there is a JSON returned by that url, the application should work, so you can check if there are any errors in the admin area by opening wp-config.php and setting WP_DEBUG to true.
Please let us know what the errors are so we can help solve the issue.
Earlier we released a new version that solved the problem with the categories names.
In order to use JetPack Statistics, you can go to themes/base/index.php and add you tracking code there.
We will find a solution to allow custom tracking codes to be added from the admin panel in the following version.
This is indeed a bug that will be solved on the next release. There is a problem with the categories that have special characters such as: (.),(+),(/), etc, so, as a temporary workaround until the next version you can remove the dots (.) from the category name.
We will launch the next version at the beginning of next week,
Thank you for reporting this problem.
We recently upgraded to V2.0 of the plugin, where the comments are disabled on the mobile web app if you disable them from the admin panel.
@interrogator did you first deactivate the plugin? In order to completely remove the plugin you must first deactivate it and them remove the themes from wp-content/themes.
Note that we recently launched V2.0 of WordPress Mobile Pack if you want to give it a try.
@agileherman, wp_footer() is located in wp-includes/general-template.php. However, I strongly recommend you do not change WordPress core functions.
There is a bug on the previous version of WordPress Mobile Pack and the link cannot be removed from the footer.
Yesterday, WordPress Mobile Pack has been updated to 2.0 and the link will only be visible on mobile devices.
@chaotic_, you encountered this error because you need to set write and execute permissions (777) on the server for the following folders:
- themes (found in wp-content/ folder)
- c (found in wp-content/plugins/wordpress-mobile-pack/plugins/wpmp_transcoder/)
Note that yesterday we launched V2.0 of WordPress Mobile Pack, where the installation process is very easy, and all you need to do in order to see your mobile web app is to activate the plugin.
@rhakateza and @simone_asr, you need to deactivate and reactivate the plugin after changing the permissions on the folders. Note that the permission level must be set to 777(read, write and execute) for both folders.
A new version of the plugin was just released yesterday if you want to give it a try. The setup process for V2.0 was reduced to the bare minimum.