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  • Hi!

    My name is “MAC” and I’m the author of the “NoMoreIE6” plugin.

    I was doing a minor upgrade when I noticed these posts about it, I had no idea!

    First i’d like to say, I’m happy to find some people spending their precious time discussing my work! I’m flattered!

    Of course in a second reading my feelings divide. ??

    I’ll address my comments to “toolz” first:

    When I put my effort to produce my simple plugins I intend to solve occasional problems in my daily routine as a professional developer, and if on doing so I can also help someone with a similar problem, great! I’ll do it and share my plugins to everybody who want’s to use them.

    But that’s it. Like ClaytonJames said, they are intended for people who wants them, if you don’t like it, don’t use it. Period.

    Did I mention, at any moment, that this plugins was perfect, or the best plugin ever? No!
    It was simply the best I could do or had the time to do at that moment. I ask nothing in return, so why complain or criticize negatively?! – Suggestions and improvements are always welcome though!

    And you’re right “toolz”: -“English” is simply not the author/creators primary language. But he can (roughly) manage. And besides English, he (roughly) manages to speak 3 other foreign languages other than his native Portuguese, and the international “language of Love” – said like “Pepe-le-pew” would! ??

    I’m not ashamed, at all, if occasionally my grammar is not perfect. Tough luck! ??

    To ClaytonJames a special “thank you!” for being fair, open minded, not prejudicious and most of all understanding open source and the honest effort people put in their work, for free.




    Try this tutorial:

    You’ll be taught how to add your custom styles to the native post editor, as well as how to remove the default available styles.

    Hope This Helps!

    MAC ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: TinyMCE version
    Thread Starter MAzCastro


    Ok I’ve got it!

    Both WordPress 2.9.2 and WordPress 3.0 uses TinyMCE 3.2.7

    MAC ??

    In your WP admin panel, In the Settings → Permalinks panel, you can choose one of the “common” structures or enter your own in the “Custom structure” field using the structure tags.

    NOTE: “Starting Permalinks with %category% is strongly not recommended for performance reasons.”

    I use: /%post_id%-%postname%

    Read all about it in:

    In your WP admin panel, In the Settings → Permalinks panel, you can choose one of the “common” structures or enter your own in the “Custom structure” field using the structure tags.

    NOTE: “Starting Permalinks with %category% is strongly not recommended for performance reasons.”

    I use: /%post_id%-%postname%

    Read all about it in:

    You could use your post’s “custom fields” to define a custom background color to that specific post.

    Please be more specific.

    I couldn’t understand what is wrong and what should be right.

    <?php query_posts('posts_per_page=5&&category_name=clients&orderby=title&order=asc'); ?>

    where do you have that query?




    update on this issue:

    – The notifications don’t work, they trigger a PHP error.

    Still not working but the problem is in my theme, NOT the plugin.

    – no WYSYWYG buttons to format the post contents!!!

    Actually there are NO images AT ALL in the new BBpress skin distribution. I’ve Imported the images from another skin.

    Other than that it’s working fine.




    Ah another thing.

    After spending a couple of hours customizing the new BBPress skin i’ve found that it has no WYSYWYG buttons to format the post contents!!!




    you’re welcome!

    you can now close the topic if you have no more related questions.

    MAC ??




    I’ve instaled version 1.4 (I had the previous allready)

    Overall i’m happy with it, however it has a major flaw:

    – The notifications don’t work, they trigger a PHP error.

    I believe some of the posters above are from vastHTML, so please take note, for next releases.

    The cherry on top of the cake, whould be posting a php patch ASAP so we couls all benefict from it, before a new relaese hits the streets.





    I’m not sure I understood what you need. To process PHP code in my sidebars I use the PHP-Exec plugin (

    Just install it and use a text widget with your PHP code in it, as if it was normal text.

    To modify your post meta data display you need to be able to edit your theme.

    Find the have_posts() while cycle, and add this between the title and the entry:

    <div class="meta">
    Published in <?php the_date() ?>
    . Under <?php the_category(' ') ?>
    . This article has <?php comments_number('no responses','one response','% responses'); ?>

    MAC ??



    szcpost there is a jobs section on this forum. you should post your request there.

    300USD – 500USD may or not be worth the trouble, depending on what your “customization” needs are. Word press Experts are professionals and expect to be payed accordingly.

    Good Luck!

    MAC ??



    Sorry my mistake.

    The information above is correct, but incomplete. I’ve told you the line numbers where the elements where, but didn’t tell you the element’s name for you the add the properties.

    Now you’ve done some changes in the CSS and things look different.
    I′d recommend you to undo what you have done, if you didn’t see any results. Then to keep it simple we’ll just focus in one of your CSS files.

    Edit your dropdown.css, go to to line 27, find the class ul.dropdown

    ul.dropdown {
      margin:0 auto;

    1. Delete, or comment the property float:left;
    2. Add the two properties bellow: (as shown above)

    margin:0 auto;

    This will fix it. I′ve tried it both times and it worked fine.

    The other questions are really more about the logic your menu was built and the mystique theme itself.
    I’ve never used the theme, and don’t know how was it coded.

    Surely they can be fixed, but they are not easy to do remotely, since I can’t test what I’m doing without installing the theme and working on it locally.


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