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  • Same thing here, it use to just lag… but now im getting this error.

    Error: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Could you help me out… I tried adding this to the functions.php, but after running some test i ended up breaking things and wasnt able to retrieve the category slug properly. What am I missing?

    function get_post_category_slug( $slug ) {
    $category = get_term_by( ‘slug’, $slug, ‘category’ );
    if ( $category )
    _make_cat_compat( $category );

    return $category_slug;

    add_filter(‘wp_mail’, function($args) {
    $args[‘post_category_slug’] = do_shortcode($args[‘post_category_slug’]);
    return $args;
    }, 1, 1);

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    it would take over 400 category redirects. Is there a way i can pull the actual category slug? Do you have a snippet i can add to my fuctions.php file that would allow me to retrieve this, you can obliviously pull info like, Author, article name, categories, permalink and such… I think it would be a nice addition to the plugin.

    Here is what my current email link looks like:
    We published your article “[post_title]”
    on our website on [post_date],
    can be found under the “[post_category]” category.

    The boss wants category to be a link instead of the title in order for the author to see their contribution on the list of of articles for such category… in hopes that they dont just view their article and leave, but that they might see other recent articles and choose to open them too.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Hi The problem that i am experiencing when combining the shortcodes is that i use thepost_category…which does the trick… most of the time, however, i have categories that have multiple words and spaces in the categories name… which as you can problem see where i am going with this, produces ugly looking links. To give you an example, we have a category called Parks and Places, when using the category name shortcode as a link it gives me: /category/parks%20and%20pets and i am struggling trying to find a fix for this… can you guide me in the right direction?

    [email protected]


    This didnt work for me… have you found a better solution?

    [email protected]


    Im interested in this question to.
    Did you ever figure this one out?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    filename exclusion, would work for these purposes too.


    Thread Starter [email protected]


    ?? bump

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Not sure what was wrong to the code above.. but i reverted to a backup version of original file and only modified the email section and it now works fine.

    ?? Thanks for all your help


    what is the best way to keep this changes without updates affecting it?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Weird… since the last time i tried (and it worked) i’ve created and delted 3 more users and no mail comes in at all.

    On another note:
    I am currently using Server SMTP as the email client, all the other communications emails arrive to the inboxes everytime… only the ones coming from this plugin end up there…(or just reently, not there at all)
    any ideas?

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Thanks, that worked like a charm… and yes, they did end up going to the junk mail. Is there a way to avoid the spam filters and have it land on the inbox?

    And, i think you were right about the \n\n, they are html, so i have gone and changed them to line breaks instead.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    Find attached the whole snippet of code, maybe i am missing something :S

    // File called by class?
    if ( isset( $this ) == false || get_class( $this ) != 'plugin_delete_me' ) exit;
    // Does user have the capability?
    if ( current_user_can( $this->info['cap'] ) == false || ( is_multisite() && is_super_admin() ) ) return; // stop executing file
    // Does the trigger value match the currently logged in user ID?
    if ( empty( $this->user_ID ) || $this->GET[$this->info['trigger']] != $this->user_ID ) return; // stop executing file
    // Nonce
    if ( isset( $this->GET[$this->info['nonce']] ) == false || wp_verify_nonce( $this->GET[$this->info['nonce']], $this->info['nonce'] ) == false ) return; // stop executing file
    // Include required WordPress function files
    include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/post.php' ); // wp_delete_post
    include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/bookmark.php' ); // wp_delete_link
    include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/comment.php' ); // wp_delete_comment
    include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/user.php' ); // wp_delete_user, get_blogs_of_user
    if ( is_multisite() ) {
    	include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/ms-functions.php' ); // remove_user_from_blog
    	include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/ms.php' ); // wpmu_delete_user
    // Posts
    //->>> Start: WordPress wp_delete_user Post types to delete
    $post_types_to_delete = array();
    foreach ( get_post_types( array(), 'objects' ) as $post_type ) {
    	if ( $post_type->delete_with_user ) {
    		$post_types_to_delete[] = $post_type->name;
    	} elseif ( null === $post_type->delete_with_user && post_type_supports( $post_type->name, 'author' ) ) {
    		$post_types_to_delete[] = $post_type->name;
    $post_types_to_delete = apply_filters( 'post_types_to_delete_with_user', $post_types_to_delete, $this->user_ID );
    //<<<- End: WordPress wp_delete_user Post types to delete
    $posts_list = array();
    $posts = $this->wpdb->get_results( "SELECT <code>ID</code>, <code>post_title</code>, <code>post_type</code> FROM " . $this->wpdb->posts . " WHERE <code>post_author</code>='" . $this->user_ID . "' AND <code>post_type</code> IN ('" . implode( "', '", $post_types_to_delete ) . "')", ARRAY_A );
    foreach ( $posts as $post ) {
    	$posts_list[] = wp_specialchars_decode( $post['post_title'], ENT_QUOTES ) . "\n" . ucwords( $post['post_type'] ) . ' ' . get_permalink( $post['ID'] );
    // Links
    $links_list = array();
    $links = $this->wpdb->get_results( "SELECT <code>link_id</code>, <code>link_url</code>, <code>link_name</code> FROM " . $this->wpdb->links . " WHERE <code>link_owner</code>='" . $this->user_ID . "'", ARRAY_A );
    foreach ( $links as $link ) {
    	$links_list[] = wp_specialchars_decode( $link['link_name'], ENT_QUOTES ) . "\n" . $link['link_url'];
    // Comments
    $comments_list = array();
    if ( $this->option['settings']['delete_comments'] == true ) {
    	$comments = $this->wpdb->get_results( "SELECT <code>comment_ID</code> FROM " . $this->wpdb->comments . " WHERE <code>user_id</code>='" . $this->user_ID . "'", ARRAY_A );
    	foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
    		$comments_list[] = $comment['comment_ID'];
    		// Delete comments if option set
    		wp_delete_comment( $comment['comment_ID'] );
    // E-mail notification
    if ( $this->option['settings']['email_notification'] == true ) :
    	$email = array();
    	$email['headers'] = 'From: My Babysitter Team <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
    	$email['to'] = get_option( 'admin_email' );
    	$email['subject'] = 'Deleted User Notification';
    	$email['message'] =
    	'The following User has been Deleted from your site:' . "\n\n" .
    	'Username: ' . $this->user_login;
    wp_mail(  $email['headers'], $email['to'], $email['subject'], $email['message'] );
    // Delete user
    if ( is_multisite() && $this->option['settings']['ms_delete_from_network'] == true && count( get_blogs_of_user( $this->user_ID ) ) == 1 ) {
    	// Multisite: Deletes user's Posts and Links, then deletes from WP Users|Usermeta
    	// ONLY IF "Delete From Network" setting checked and user only belongs to this blog
    	wpmu_delete_user( $this->user_ID );
    } else {
    	// Deletes user's Posts and Links
    	// Multisite: Removes user from current blog
    	// Not Multisite: Deletes user from WP Users|Usermeta
    	wp_delete_user( $this->user_ID );
    // Redirect to landing URL
    ( is_admin() ) ? wp_redirect( $this->option['settings']['your_profile_landing_url'] ) : wp_redirect( $this->option['settings']['shortcode_landing_url'] );
    Thread Starter [email protected]



    Thanks for your help, i really appreciate it @cmc3215.
    However, that still didnt work ?? the user does get deleted but the email doesnt get sent out anymore.

    Also, I only tried inserting the <br> because the original emails coming from your plugin didnt have any line breaks and made the email pretty hard to read.

    Thread Starter [email protected]


    I get an error… not sure what Exactly i did wrong

    // E-mail notification
    if ( $this->option['settings']['email_notification'] == true ) :
    	$email = array();
    	$email['to'] = get_option( 'admin_email' );
    	$email['subject'] = 'Deleted User Notification';
    	$email['message'] =
    	'The following User has been Deleted from your site:' . "<br>" .
    	'Username: ' . $this->user_login . "\r\n" .;
    	$email['headers'] = 'From: My Babysitter Team <[email protected]>' . "\r\n";
    wp_mail( $email['to'], $email['subject'], $email['message'], $email['headers'] );
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