Forum Replies Created
Hi, I have the same problem. I traced this to where the error is generated. It seems some translation are called too early:
- In function em_plugins_loaded() in the events-manager.php
- In construct() of class BP_EM_Component in bp-em-core.php
When ‘events-manager’ is specified as domain e.g. in parent::start(‘events’, __(‘Events’, ‘events-manager’), EM_DIR); in bp-em-core.php, this error occurs. If you use another domain there that was already correctly loaded, the error goes away. Unfortunately this can only be done with a change in the plugin code, and I still have not found a more elegant way to fix this (how to make sure that the domain is correctly loaded in the first place, before the functions mentioned above are called …)
It would be nice if the support of the Events Manager plugin could address this problem …
Dear Robert, I installed the update and watched the logs for a while. No more PHP notices of the kind any more. Thank you for your support and resolving this problem!
Hi Robert, thank you and sorry for my late reaction, just came back from vacation. When I try to access the patches page you linked to above I get a 404 error. Do you have another way I can access this patch?
Best regards
- This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by fohly.
Hi Robert, thank you for getting back to me on this. I am using WordPress Version 6.2.2 and the plugin version is 2.4.1. The problem has been around on the last few versions, already. By the kind of error and the code line where it is logged, it seems to happen when the object self::$user is not set. So probably when a user not logged in is opening a page on the system.
If it helps I can log additional variables when the error occurs, just let me know what values are you are interested in.
All the best
So now you have reached version 6.3 and still have not fixed this. How can I understand you ignoring this issue which is quite obvious and would be easy to fix for you?
Just updated to your version 6.1.6 and the spelling error is still in there with leads to non executable sql queries
Seriously, by now you have published version 6.1.5 and this error is still in there! Please fix!
Found in version 6.1.4
Just checked. What seems to work is to replace the lines in your load_phpmailer() with what is done in the deprecated WP files class-phpmailer.php and class-smtp.php:
`require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/PHPMailer/PHPMailer.php’;
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/PHPMailer/Exception.php’;
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . ‘/PHPMailer/SMTP.php’;class_alias( PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer::class, ‘PHPMailer’ );
class_alias( PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception::class, ‘phpmailerException’ );
class_alias( PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP::class, ‘SMTP’ );`Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: function map_meta_cap with issues since upgrade to WP 5.4.1Hi Otto,
thank you for the quick response!
I looked deeper into the code, and this always occurs when checking with current_user_can() with empty $args parameter due to my mapping of a custom capability to the ‘delete_post’ capability of a custom post. In that case map_meta_cap() recursively calls itself with ‘delete_post’ and passes on the empty $args and then leads to the issue described.
I fixed this on my site by not mapping the custom cap to a custom post cap like this.I don’t know why this never appeared before, as I did nothing else than update WordPress to 5.4.1. Sanity check in the future would still be great, but as my immediate problem is solved, this ticket can be closed now.
Best regards
FlorianForum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: PHP 7.4 Compatibility with WP 5.4.1 – problem with seems_utf8()Hi Otto,
thank you for the quick reply! I did not find this issue in core.trac so I created a new ticket there:
Best regards