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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Controlling Cropped Area for ThumbnailsHey. Thanks. I think I’m getting this nailed down with your help.
I think the deal is that you have an option to either have the thumbnail stretched or you have an option to have it cropped.
In one it gets proportionally changed and in the other parts of the original image get left out. At least in F8 Static theme this is what happens because the thumbnail image is set at 150px wide by 310 high.
I was wondering if there was a tweak that would let you control what area was getting cropped…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: why is wordpress /stretching/ my imagesOK. I get it. Either you are going to get stretched images or you are going to get cropped images from the automated thumbnail routines.
You can’t get true thumbnails.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: is "Uncategorized" text in an html in F8 folder?oh-ah. thanks so much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHi Boss.
Thanks again a ton. Sorry for all the back and forth.
I have unchecked the Crop box and resampled the thumbnails.
These are now showing up as stretched instead (of cropped) the Category lists.
Looks like one of the mods has been kind enough to be willing to get in to my site and see if something is going on or if this theme has to /either/ stretch or crop thumbnails (which still seems bizarre if not an outright bug).
Will post back as I am sure there is a tone about this issue that I am not quite up to speeed on.
Again a ton of thanks as I try and get this perfected.
– Jonathan
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHi Fish,
Thanks so much for your help. I want to really communicate that I appreciate your help on this. OK if I work on this in the next day or so and see if I can make progress with it and then post back?
In the meantime I am going to switch the site to not crop images and you can see the stretching behavior of this theme.
– Jonathan
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHi Fish,
Thanks so much for your help. I want to really communicate that I appreciate your help on this.
OK if I study this in the next day or so and see if I can make progress with it?
(Can I just ask you now if I am correct in thinking that you upload your images /once/ and then use the WP interface (or the PHP code) to then have this /one/ image show up in different places in the Theme, right? I mean, you don’t ever upload two sets of images – one for the thumbnail and one for the larger post image…)
– Jonathan
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeall the images in this screenshot are thumbnails that are being cropped:
<a href=””> Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHi. Thanks.
The link posted above shows part of the image of franz reuleaux as a /cropped/ thumbnail. All we see is the guys beard.
This thumbnail is being cropped.
If I uncheck the crop checkbox this image will instead be stretched…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: why is wordpress /stretching/ my imagesCan someone please take a look at the Maximum Image Size post and tell me if I am tilting at windmills in trying to get F8 static to display my thumbnails unstretched and uncropped…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Pages and page ID'sthanks very much!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHi. I’m not concerned with the images.
I am concerned with the thumbnails that are getting cropped or stretched: just want to find out if this can be prevented…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizehey man. sorry for the multiple posts.
“The full image is exactly the same size as the thumbnail, which means you’re uploading thumbnails as images, and displaying thumbnails of the same size as the uploaded images. Are you aware of that?”
What do you mean by this?
“displaying thumbnails of the same size as the images.”
How do I make thumbnails display as thumbnails?
“uploading thumbnails as image”
how do I upload thumbnails as thumbnails? Or do you mean you want me to upload larger images??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizethe thumbnail settings in Setting > MEDIA are 150 x 310 for thumbnails as suggested in the instructions.html for this theme.
I don’t understand if you are suggesting that there should be another set of settings somewhere that I need to also change.
None of this really makes sense to me.
I have to assume that since the F8 Static docs /tell/ me to set the thumbnails at 150×310 – and they tell me /not/ to set a height for Medium or Large images – that this them ONLY will display thumbnails as either stretched or cropped.
Does that make sense?
I DO want to display them unstretched and uncropped – like mini versions of the actual post images – but i don’t think I can and mods keep telling me that I need to post larger images which does not seem to be the issue.
It would be nice to get something definitive on this from WordPress. I’ve only been trying to solve it for two weeks now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHi. Thanks.
“You want them to scale. You want them to look exactly like the larger image only smaller.”
“Above that there are boxes where you enter the height and width for the thumbnail, if you enter values there, and check the box beside the text I pasted above, then your thumbnails will be that size.
If you don’t crop the thumbnails to exact size, then they will be proportional, which means they’ll look exactly like the larger image only smaller.”
This does not work in F8 Static and there is either no attention to this issue from the developer and/or the Mods. It is also possible they have not understood what I am saying.
This is not working in F8 Static. If I “leave” the Thumbnail settings at 310×150 and uncheck this box the images are 310×150 and stretched. There is no other setting in the thumbnail dialog boxes that changes this. The only change with thumbnails in this theme is to check the crop box and you get what I show in the earlier image.
It /should/ be possible to show these as unstretched and uncropped thumbnails but it is not…
This is what I am asking to be able to do and I have not found settings in this theme that allows for this.
What other control over the thumbnails would you like to have?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: maximum image sizeHey Man.
Here is what I see for the thumbnail for this image. It looks totally ridiculous.
Can’t this be fixed somehow??