Forum Replies Created

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  • Saya menggunakan plugin woongkir pada wp woocommerce dengan kota asal pengiriman dari Surabaya.
    Mengapa pada saat saya memilih surabaya atau sidoarjo sebagai kota tujuan pengiriman ada pesan
    “Tidak ada pilihan pengiriman yang tersedia. Pastikan alamat Anda sudah benar, atau hubungi kami jika Anda memerlukan bantuan. ”
    Saya kebetulan hanya menemukan dua kota tersebut yang tidak keluar ongkos kirimnya. Untuk beberapa kota yang lain bisa keluar harga ongkos kirimnya.

    Berikut ini tangkapan layar dengan mengaktifkan mode debug :

    Pelanggan mencocokkan zona “Indonesia”
    woongkir : {“api_request_params.$origin_info”:{“origin”:”444″,”originType”:”city”}}
    woongkir : {“api_request_params.$destination_info”:{“destination”:”409″,”destinationType”:”city”}}
    woongkir : {“api_request_params.$dimension_weight”:{“width”:0,”length”:0,”height”:0,”weight”:10}}
    woongkir : {“api_request_params.$courier”:[“jne”]}
    woongkir : {“calculate_shipping.$cache_key”:”woongkir_3_1bc0914afceac180bcb4cb21715b4d78_ff07712933292af85dedff6d690dbd1f”}
    woongkir : {“calculate_shipping.$results”:{“parsed”:[{“courier”:”jne”,”service”:”CTC”,”etd”:”2-3 days”,”cost”:7000,”currency”:”IDR”},{“courier”:”jne”,”service”:”CTCYES”,”etd”:”1 day”,”cost”:10000,”currency”:”IDR”}],”raw”:[{“query”:{“origin”:”444″,”destination”:”409″,”weight”:10,”courier”:”jne”},”status”:{“code”:200,”description”:”OK”},”origin_details”:{“city_id”:”444″,”province_id”:”11″,”province”:”Jawa Timur”,”type”:”Kota”,”city_name”:”Surabaya”,”postal_code”:”60119″},”destination_details”:{“city_id”:”409″,”province_id”:”11″,”province”:”Jawa Timur”,”type”:”Kabupaten”,”city_name”:”Sidoarjo”,”postal_code”:”61219″},”results”:[{“code”:”jne”,”name”:”Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE)”,”costs”:[{“service”:”CTC”,”description”:”JNE City Courier”,”cost”:[{“value”:7000,”etd”:”2-3″,”note”:””}]},{“service”:”CTCYES”,”description”:”JNE City Courier”,”cost”:[{“value”:10000,”etd”:”1-1″,”note”:””}]}]}]}]}}
    woongkir : {“calculate_shipping.$allowed_services”:{“jne”:[“REG”]}}

    Terima kasih

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by fotonarya.
    Thread Starter fotonarya


    *forgeted to mark it with resolved*

    Thread Starter fotonarya


    @sakin thanks, you are rock
    your code work like a champ

    and thanks again for the great theme

    Thread Starter fotonarya


    @satty005 already add the code to index.php, but still cannot get this work.
    Please tell me, what exactly i have to do
    I’m not a kind of expert in this coding world


    Thread Starter fotonarya


    Good idea, cannot get in my head before…
    But i like to remove hyperlink in slider image too,
    how i can achieve that


    Thread Starter fotonarya



    You can visit this page
    it’s said that the free version will be released at Friday the 27th of january 2012.
    I’m personally contact the author that he will release it as soon as possible, probably this friday (february 17th).

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