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  • Foxearedass


    ok see here is the problem. the nav menus are list items, which normally are displayed vertically. in order for the to be displayed horizontally they need to be given float: left; which is also forcing the menu to stay on the left.




    #footer-widget-area .widget-area {
    	float: right;
    	margin-top: 20px;
    	margin-right: 20px;
    	width: 220px;

    change the values of margin-top and margin-right until the widget ends up in the box.



    content looks centered to me.. as far as your nav goes, the problem is that auto margin wont work without the item in question having a width defined.

    the easy way would to to put a table inside the div and use align to center the nav. yes yes tables are so last century but it’s not like they are defunct.



    the reason for that is simply that the text is aligned to the top of the block.

    try no-repeat 0 0; padding-top: 30px;

    if that doesn’t quite center it you can adjust the number 30 til it fits right.



    1 – not sure, play around with the /* =Menu of the main css file. my guess would be to change the line height in #access a { to 43.

    2 – I don’t see any widget :/

    3 – try



    ooohhhhhh i found it. no-repeat 0 -30px at the end of the class is cutting the top 30 pixels off.. just set to no-repeat 0 0px

    would be so much easier if people didn’t do the one line css thing. ??



    try changing margin:48px 0 0 40px to margin:40px 0 0 40px



    you need to make sure the the element they are nested in is width enough.
    any chance you could post the link so i can take a looksie?



    h1 {
    	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    	font-size: 16px;
    	color: #FFFFFF;

    add this to a new line in style.css in the theme folder. change font-size to however big you want the title to be. as far as SEO, i’m afraid i do not know. if no one else can answer you will have to read the guide for in on his site



    just use <?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’) ); ?> without any wrapping divs or anything to start. reload the page then look at the source code. find the code for the navigation.

    currently mine looks like.

    <div class="menu"><ul><a href="https://localhost/wordpress/" title="Home"><li class="current_page_item">Home</li></a><a href="https://localhost/wordpress/?page_id=14"><li class="page_item page-item-14">About Us</li></a><a href="https://localhost/wordpress/?page_id=21"><li class="page_item page-item-21">Contact</li></a></ul></div>
    so to modify properties for one of the li i would do
    .menu ul li
    <div class="menu">
    <li class="current_page_item">

    adding current_page_item like
    .menu ul li.current_page_item
    will modify the link for the current page only.

    don’t use the <?php wp_page_menu( ‘sort_column=menu_order’ ); ?> i gave you in my first reply, that was a mistake by me.



    your H1 has no text formatting so it’s taking it’s formatting from the “a” tag only.


    h1 {
      text format stuffs

    to change the way h1s look.. and

    h1 a{
      other text format stuffs

    to change the way text that’s inside h1 tags AND “a” tag looks. This goes in style.css of course.

    not sure i understand what you mean by add h1 tags to copy?



    arg yeh sorry, i was looking at the wrong bit of css.. it was late ??

    look for #site-title and maybe add a height property to match that of your logo. you may also need to reduce the size of the top margin from 48 to lower after you try with the new height.. you’ll know if you need to.



    Really don’t understand this new thing with putting css all on one line.. frustrating!

    in anycase. find #header{overflow:hidden;height:155px;background:url(images/bg-header.png) repeat-x 0 -38px} in your css.

    change overflow to visible.. also maybe change the height to same height as your logo image.



    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( ‘theme_location’ => ‘primary’) ); ?> generates it’s own ul and li tags so you do not need to have it wrapped in yours. try something like

    <nav id="navigation" role="navigation">
      <?php wp_page_menu( 'sort_column=menu_order' ); ?>

    now #navigation – will controlled the container for the menu.

    .menu ul li – will control how your link blocks will look

    .menu ul li.current_page_item – will controll how the menu item for the current page looks, only add in changes to the original class, no use having all the same stuff.

    as far as getting them to line up horizontal. use float: left; in .menu ul li.

    hope this helps

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