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  • Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Wow! Thanks, @bcworkz!

    That should give me a huge push in the right direction. I really appreciate it.

    This is why I love WP.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Davood, thanks for your response, but I’ve already created the post types and have created other metaboxes on the pages. I’m specifically looking for how to call/reference the posts of one Custom Post Type in the Meta Box of another which your links don’t cover.

    As for why I’m not using WooCommerce? It’s a bit overkill for what I need, and there are a number of small customizations I need for this project that WC doesn’t have.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by foxymcfox.
    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Because modifying one that is 95% perfect to make it 100% perfect is faster than going from 0-100% by coding from scratch.

    The idea that the “best theme is a 100% original theme” is one I’m seeing more and more and it just isn’t feasible for the vast majority of cases…and really doesn’t answer the question I had to begin with.

    Telling someone to code a site from scratch when they ask for a theme, is like telling someone to build their own house when they’re out with a realtor.

    PS: I have already completed all the mods, and the site looks exactly like I wanted. So I’m marking this thread as resolved.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Just in case anyone comes across this thread in the future and is looking for a similar solution, I wanted to pop back in to let everyone know what I’ve decided.

    I started with Marvy ( ) and then modified it.

    I basically butchered the home template already to give me a large custom header PLUS the blog loop below it. Then I made it so that the header could have a image for a background.

    I’m still going to do some more work to make posts single column, and potentially add custom header banners to individual posts, but it’s a light enough theme, that if anyone else is looking for something similar, Marvy might work well for you as well.

    Hope this helps those in the same spot as me.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by foxymcfox.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by foxymcfox.
    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Yeah, and I only pointed out elements of the site that I liked…

    No one wants to “copy” anything here. I just like the style of interface.

    I managed to get a couple good leads, but will likely end up customizing what I install or buy…I’ve NEVER used a stock theme.

    Right now I’m heavily considering just finding a theme with a nice header area I like, and adding a Post Grid plugin or some light custom CSS to put the Loop into a grid like I want.

    …Miroslav, you’re the only person talking about copying here.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    UPDATE! I worked it out, and it was something very simple, I went into the theme’s CSS file and simply added this line:

    .social-menu-widget a[href*=””]::before {
    content: ‘\f0e0’;
    } is my domain, but if you want to use this yourself, all you have to do is replace that text with the domain of your email address. (Either your domain OR the domain of your email provider like

    Then in the menu, just put “mailto:[email protected]” (Without quotes) as the link and it’ll work perfectly.

    Hopefully this helps someone else looking to do the same thing.


    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    FOUND IT! Someone injected this into my theme’s functions file:

    View post on

    …and on it went.

    I deleted that and it fixed the problem.


    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    After completely deleting the plugin responsible for creating the site-log div, the link still appears. It seems it’s designed to be added within the “title-area” div.

    Does anyone have any clue how to stop this? The text appears NO WHERE on the back end so I can’t just delete it. I need to find out where this is coming from.


    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Update: For some reason, I can set a logo max-width in em but not pixels. That seems to be working for now, but I’m still at a loss for how to limit the width of the background image.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Here’s a photoshop mockup of what I’m trying to accomplish:

    I really appreciate any help you can give me.



    This functionality seems to be broken. I’ve tried implementing it in the dropdown.css file AND via the custom CSS module in Jetpack but nothing is happening.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    And in the interest of sharing, here is where my additional code stands now in the pursuit of a locked down network site:

    add_action( 'wp', 'walled_garden' );
    function walled_garden() {
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() && !current_user_can('manage_options') && !is_user_member_of_blog() && !is_page('error')) {
    function error_link() {
    	if(is_user_logged_in()&& !is_user_member_of_blog()) {
    		global $current_user;
      		$blogs = get_blogs_of_user( $current_user->id );
         		if($blogs) {
         	 		foreach ( $blogs as $blog ) {
             			echo '<strong>ERROR:</strong> You do not currently have permission to view this network. Please click<a href="https://' . $blog->domain . $blog->path .'">  here </a> to go to your network';
    	else {
    		echo 'Hey!  How did you get here?';
    add_shortcode('errortext', 'error_link');

    Again, I tagged this onto my private site plugin, based on jonradio’s “jonradio Private Site” plugin. (I listed my changes in a thread in that plugin’s support forum) Now, however, it allows you to redirect members of other blogs to an error page if they try to get into another site’s “walled garden.” This error page will tell them they don’t have access and give them a link to their network. (Since I’m only letting people sign up for one blog at a time, the way I did this shouldn’t be an issue, but you could modify the code to reset the array to only output the first result…OR just echo the array as a list if you have members who belong to other blogs)

    …and then as an Easter egg, there’s a customizable message if a member with access to a blog manually types in “error” after the link. For now, I just left mine as “Hey! How did you get here?”

    Hopefully someone out there can use this. If not, at least it’s useful to me. If anyone has any suggestions or additions, feel free to add them.


    EDIT: Since I realize I didn’t make it clear, this requires you to create a page on your sites called “error” and simply place the shortcode [errortext] on it. Through a hack or a plugin, then, just remove the link to the page from the navigation. Quick, dirty, and dead simple.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    I did that and it still wasn’t working…so I thought to myself: If I was me, what is the simplest mistake I could be making right now?

    …Turns out I didn’t have the plugin activated on the secondary subdomain I was testing. hahaha


    Thanks again for your help.


    Thread Starter foxymcfox



    New question, since you are the coolest person in the world and apparently never sleep:

    I’m currently looking at ways of limiting the access of members of one blog to other blogs, as the natural extension of my mods. I’ve tried extending the code I use that makes my subdomains private to people who aren’t signed in by appending the following:

    add_action( 'wp', 'walled_garden' );
    function walled_garden() {
    	if ( is_user_logged_in() && !is_admin() && !is_user_member_of_blog() ) {
    		wp_redirect(***Redirect URL***));

    …and it doesn’t seem to work.*

    There are only two things I can think of:

    A. I’m an idiot, missing something obvious (Like I’m using the wrong hook in my add_action or using the wrong functions).


    B. Something about the nature of the JMM or WordPress actually registers users as members of all sites, even if JMM prevents it from looking that way?

    I figured you might be able to provide some color on the second thought at least.

    As always, I really appreciate your guidance.


    * This is just one of many bits of code I’ve tried. Another one, borrowing from the code we used to limit registration to a domain, is:

    add_action( 'wp', 'walled_garden' );
    function walled_garden() {
    	global $current_user;
    	$indiv_email = $current_user->user_email;
    	$jmm_options = get_option( 'helfjmm_options' );
    	$whitelist = $jmm_options['emailwhitelist'];
    	$checkemail = explode("@", $indiv_email);
    	$checkemail = $checkemail[(count($checkemail)-1)];
    	$verifyemaildomain = strpos($checkemail, $whitelist);
    	if (is_user_logged_in() && !is_admin() &&$verifyemaildomain === false) {
    		wp_redirect(***Redirect URL***);

    And that too failed. So, I’m a tad stumped.

    Thread Starter foxymcfox


    Also, let’s mark this as resolved.

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