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  • Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    Also I located my mysql database and have a MSQL Workbench up and running. Anyone ever reverse enginnered a MySQL database from file format?

    LOL I betting im swimming on my own with sharks here. but its fun atm so why not.

    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    I have opened my backup and my hard drive and running a file by file compairson but im not accustomed to linux.

    The main thing I noticed was my .htaccess file shows my bulletproof mod in maintenance mode.
    Backup file:

    Current file from hard drive:

    I didnt do this, I wonder if the mod is just glitched. I will see if I can figure out how to unbullet proof it.

    Still does not explain the apachie see’s nothing page as bulletproof mode normally puts up a dummy page.

    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    K, Working on that at the moment.

    This time im going to run it as a virtualbox VM and back that up nightly..

    Damn hackers.

    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    .. Ok, Ipstenu.. I thought you might find this amusing and feel free to close this post…
    My last post on my blog was…..

    So, Today to the dismay of my own ego. I discovered I was wrong. Dead Wrong. Here I was barking up the tree bugging every coder in the known world for a Cloud Search Engine that would filter content based on the words in a blog.

    And in my own Utopian world where the birds fly but don’t poop on my head and everyone hugs and gives away free things that actually work and are worth keeping… I thought this was a good idea.

    And So the reality of this soon became clear as I studied my own blogs and thought process and decided the only 10 words any user would ever see in my cute little cloud bubble was:
    The, At, And, Frak, Here, AnyHoo, What, Why, Who… you get the idea…

    So to all who told me it was a stupid idea and the nice guy at word-press who didn’t say I was a moron but was real REAL nice to me.. (Nice like he was talking to a mentally challenged person at the grocery line cause you don’t have anything better do do at the time…..) Im Soooooorrrrrrryyyyyy!

    That aside. My “Search Ball of Awsume” is now there for all to stare at in amazement and shower me with gifts of broken things and crap I dont want..


    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    Oh and remember anyone who reads this. What is todays “Toys” may become tommorows genius idea and or method of using what already exists in a new way..


    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    Thats to bad, It would be a nice/impressive and or visual/artisitc method of showing and searching for site content.

    Hmm, the current plugin would work if I could figure out a method for it to just read the entire content of a site page and then filter out the non conversation content.

    Guess I will look into it, hopefully someone else on here has my interets as well and will help!

    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    Wordle is a toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide.
    Pushing aside the pretty picture creations which is awsume you found that for me cause its a neat site.

    Is it possible to generate a constatly updating word cloud? IE:’s content is updated from posts on

    If I was programming I would think I would point a read/extract into a array of some form to then import the data to the Cloud site. but i know websites are not exactly like programming so.. im lost.

    Thread Starter FrakAdmin


    Well the closest I came to it is this add in
    Which allows you to enclose a post and have its own custom cloud for that post.

    What im looking for is the ability to pull the most commenly used terms from my blog site so that my members can click on words of interest vs searching.

    IE: I commonly post about a awsume player named Vorthos, Im betting if I had a tag cloud for my site it would show his name in large text and then he would see it and click on it to see the posts I made about him directly.

    While thats just a example. Another funny example would be this,
    which seems to just pull in words from somewhere about a subject.

    I didnt post my site as some sensitive people find the name offensive but if you want to see my blogs to understand what im doing let me know and I will post the name.

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