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  • framness


    Dan, yeap 6.9.3 is good!



    Hi, I like your effort on the plugin, but want to confirm what hermanthsharma reports. Sorry, I don’t have screenshots, but the general theme of the many error reports after my upgrade involved other plugins (wordbooker was one I remember, I use sharethis as well), the error messages all seemed to be about the use of deprecated functions.

    I did not take proper screenshots or any such, because I applied the upgrade via my phone directly to my production site and needed to get it back up as soon as possible. I restored the previous version and all is well again.


    Administrators can update the DB and my guess is the major use of .maintenance is to block updates to the DB so people can backup their databases.

    I would suggest you set up a mock up of your site on a personal system at home and do your development work there.

    Thread Starter framness


    Am using Advertiser Manager version 3.4.19

    Hi BraveNewCode,

    I just ran into the same problem Mary B. reports. HOWEVER, I have three levels of the site and on my production site, I do not see warnings about the deprecated function use. However, on my test site I get those deprecated errors. I have not run or installed the plugin on my dev site.

    Both sites are using WP 3.1.3, but the prod site is using a theme I cribbed from the WP free themes section and my test site is a theme I am coding up mostly from scratch (but not quite 100% from scratch). I’ve been using your plugin on the Prod site for sometime and have been keeping it up to date. I just (within an hour of this post) installed the plugin on the test site.

    I saw the note about no broken functionality and the message WP throws is identical (except for paths & site specific items) to what Mary B. Reports.


    I’m in a similar situation. I have an old Geeklog setup I want to convert to WordPress 2.9*. I’ve looked at the conversion scripts discussed here but as is noted the latest version is not found.

    So, I try the RSS feed, it almost works. I look at the RSS file and the entire posts are present in the feed and then I run it through the import RSS tool. I look at the results and the resultant post is present but only 40 words or so of the original post (out of 350 or so) are present. So far, I have not been able to discern a pattern on this.

    Anyone else experience something similar? Any thoughts or ideas?

    I am thinking I may have to write my own import functionality. I will probably only look at pulling in users, comments, stores as I’m working on a complete site reorganization.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy New Year to you all!


    I just rolled the site I was working on out to production and redirects work fine there. I’ll have to compare & contrast file owners & permissions. I had some other problems caused by using the main wordpress UID for custom PHP & MySQL access. I don’t suspect that is the problem, we’ll see.


    I’ve been having the same problem — on my development system.

    The system I am working on is my laptop and has undergone quite a bit of change of late. I have been reinstalling the system on a regular basis, I think I have a stable system now. I have a custom compiled version of apache 2.2.11 with PHP 5.2.9 and openssl 0.9.8k. I compiled apache with –enable-so –enable-ssl –enable-rewrite options (and a few others).

    In any event, prior my last sys install I had WP and the rewriting working just nice. However, I can not be 100% certain as to which httpd was running (my version or the stock Slackware version).

    Now, on my test site, the rewrite works fine (which is online). In fact, one attempt at getting this to work started by copying ALL files and the database from the test site to my development system, as well as clean installs.

    The url I am trying to access:
    the the line that shows up in the error log:
    [Fri May 08 14:41:32 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/weaver/group/public_html/join, referer:

    Where my Doc root is /home/weaver/group/public_html.

    Yes, I have worked the .htaccess approach to no avail.



    I too received a similar attacks last night. The first one resembles yours and a follow up:
    Author : ‘ AND 1=0) UNION SELECT 1 FROM wp_users WHERE user_login=’admin’ and substring(reverse(lpad(conv(substring(user_pass,9,1), 16, 2),4,’0′)),4,1)=’1′ /* (IP: ,

    I noticed that accessing the IP via web client displays a little insult too and the IP is tied in with the domain

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