Forum Replies Created
Could you possibly post the solution for this? I have the same problem.
Thank you!
I’m still getting no shipping options. I sent a screenshot to you.
Hello @talenttcg,
I just emailed login details for my WP site. I’m still getting no shipping options for Gauteng. I only activated The Courier Guy shipping option for Gauteng to test it out.
Please could you have a look?
Hi @foxytech,
I called The Courier Guy and spoke to their IT department. They said they know about it and are busy fixing it.
Hello @foxytech,
Thank you for your response. I went into the plugin on my server and changed that line ‘required’ => true. Then I did a hard refresh and it still says no shipping options found.
I’ve checked and rechecked all my settings. But still doesn’t work.
Thank you!
Yeah so the last commit I did should fix it.
Thanks for the help! Now I know what it should look like!
Okay so I need to copy the latest stable version into tags/1.0.6/
Sorry I was trying to fix it on my end as well.
Okay so I did a SVN update and my tags folder has got version 1.0.0 to 1.0.5
My trunk folder has got readme.txt and the php file in there.
Should my tags folder contain a directory 1.0.6 too which is the latest version.
Currently my trunk directory has got readme.txt and woo-tracking-the-courier-guy.php
Is that wrong?
Okay I think I have fixed it.
I just want to confirm,
Should /tags contain all the version directories in there like this:
And the latest version 1.0.6What should the trunk directory look like?
- woo-tracking-the-courier-guy
- assets
- branches
- tags
- trunk
- 1.0.0
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.3
- 1.0.4
- 1.0.5
- readme.txt
- woo-tracking-the-courier-guy.php
File svn folder looks like this:
woo-tracking-the-courier-guy >
> assets
> branches
> tags
> trunk
> 1.0.0
> 1.0.1
> 1.0.2
> 1.0.3
> 1.0.4
> 1.0.5
> readme.txt
> woo-tracking-the-courier-guy.phpIs that wrong?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Invalid post type on wp-admin/edit.phpTHANK YOU!!
It worked like a charm.
Had this problem on my local machine and added ProxyFCGIBackendType GENERIC to my htaccess file and it worked.
PS. You can view an example of what I did here:
Click on the “quick view” button.
I did this because it’s a mission if people need to go into each product to add it to a quote list which takes forever. So they can now do it from the product listing page which is much faster.
I also added form-control classes to the form inputs so that it’s styled with bootstrap.
The next thing I’m going to try and do is add my own contact form using contact form 7.
Hey guys, thanks for the help (That was sarcasm).
I fixed it using my javascript skills.
I copied the plugin, renamed everything.
What the plugin does is when you add your item to a quote on a single page, it submits all the fields that have a quantity and variation on the page. So if you have more than one product on the same page with a variation, all the products that come after the one that you’re trying to add to the quote list overrides the values of the one you’re trying to add.
So what I did have I added a unique ID around the summary div that’s around the variation fields and quantity fields. Then I changed the javascript so that when you click the add to quote button, it only submits the fields that are within the summary container.
So basically I can now add an add to quote button on a listing page using the free plugin.
I can help you if you have the same problem.
I had to copy and change the code on the original plugin.
Let me know if this doesn’t make sense.