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  • Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hi there,
    I can see them in the same row… can you point me to a product url with the issue?

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello again,
    can you upload the two social images to your website and provide me the media url?
    Then you can configure the socials (with the wrong icon) and I will provide you the CSS to change the icon with the proper ones

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    hello there,
    the provided url is not working…
    anyway you can change the number of products to display on every page from this settings:
    Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > WooCommerce > Product Catalog (products per row, rows per page)

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hi again,
    if you remove the @media (max-width: 992px) to the CSS rule, it will be applied also to desktop devices ??

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    I’m sorry but without a link I cannot investigate it and help you.
    Can you add it to the next reply? Thanks a lot

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    you can adjust the product quantity field size from this option:
    – customize > WooCommerce > Single product page > Product price and Add to cart > Product quantity font size.
    Increasing this size will make the box bigger and same of your add to cart buttons.

    About the other request: you can make the buttons on new line and full width with this code:

    .single-product div.product .summary.entry-summary button[type=submit] {
        width: 100%;
        display: block;
        margin: 0 0 10px 0 !important;

    I hope you will appreciate this ??
    Don’t hesitate to write us again if you need further help or something is unclear

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    to solve this layout issue, you can configure the page this way.
    1) remove the slider from the Header slider metabox

    2) insert the revolution slider in the page content with his shortcode or his block.
    This is an example with the shortcode:

    This is an example with the block:

    This will make it work as expected ??

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    1. issue found, this is related to tablet devices only. It will be fixed in coming Proteo update! Thanks
    2. Please change the code provide for n.6 into this:

    @media( min-width: 769px ) {
    body.woocommerce-cart .cart-collaterals .cart_totals table th {
        display: none;

    3. this happens because the layout in made in columns. And on iPad a column width is 50% of screen size. So 3 columns cause this. If you want, we can force the column width to be 100% on iPad screen size. OR you can play with responsive visibility in this way: hide a column to tablet (iPad) view or show an additional column to table (iPad) view. I can help you on this with screenshots if you want to proceed.
    4. like issue n.1 it will be fixed in the next theme update ??

    Please let me know if you need further help expecially for n.3

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    You’re welcome! I’m happy to see your website going further.
    If you’re happy with Proteo and our help, please help us with a nice review here on ??

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hi again,
    for n.5:

    @media (max-width: 480px) {
    ul.products li.product, ul.products li.wc-block-grid__product, .wc-block-grid ul.wc-block-grid__products li.product, .wc-block-grid ul.wc-block-grid__products li.wc-block-grid__product {
        width: 100%;
        float: none;

    For n.6:

    body.woocommerce-cart .cart-collaterals .cart_totals table th {
        display: none;

    For n.4:
    I can see you have an active subscription with YITH, so you can consider write to the company a ticket and we will assist you on this and add the code for you.

    For n.2
    Icons are coming from a gpl font bundled with the theme. But with CSS they can be modified. If you point me to the images you want to use (with the url) I can prepare the code for you ??

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    here answers to your questions:
    1. Use this CSS snippet

    #main-footer .widget_nav_menu ul li {
        font-size: 14px;

    2. At this moment, they can’t be added. We will work to add them in next theme update

    3. This font size reflex the main body font size and increase it by a small factor. But in case you want to have full control on it, you can add this CSS snippet

    .single-product div.product .summary.entry-summary .woocommerce-product-details__short-description p {
    font-size: 16px;

    4. The space can be reduced with this snippet

    .single-product .woocommerce-tabs .panel table.shop_attributes td p {
        margin-bottom: 0;

    The title can be changed with this PHP snippet to add in your child theme functions.php file

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_additional_information_heading', 'yith_support_change_additional_information_heading' );
     * @return string Modified value for product's "Additional information" text.
    function yith_support_change_additional_information_heading() {
    	return esc_html__( 'Product information', 'yith-proteo' );

    5. can you elaborate bit more?

    I hope you will appreciate our help ??

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Hello there,
    I’m not 100% sure on how you would like it to appear… but I’ve prepared a CSS snippet to make the search field full-width.

    #topbar .widget_woocommerce_product_search_widget {
        width: 100%;
    #topbar .container {
        display: table;
        width: calc( 100vw - 15px);
        margin-left: 0;
    #topbar .widget {
        display: table-cell;
        white-space: nowrap;
        vertical-align: middle;
        line-height: normal;
    #topbar .widget_yith_proteo_social_icons a {
        margin-bottom: 0;
    #topbar .widget_shopping_cart h2.widget-title{
        display: none;
    #topbar .widget_woocommerce_product_search_widget .product-search-results .entry a span, .product-search-results .search-results .entry a span{
        color: var(--proteo-base_font_color, #404040);
    #topbar .widget_woocommerce_product_search_widget td.product-info .wps_add_to_cart{float: right;margin-top: 15px;}
    #topbar .widget_woocommerce_product_search_widget div.product-search-results {
        margin-right: 40px;
    #topbar .widget_woocommerce_product_search_widget td.product-info > a {
        display: inline-block;
    #topbar .widget_woocommerce_product_search_widget tr.entry.product:nth-child(even) {
        background: #EEEEEE;

    Please let me know if it looks like your goal or if you would like to achieve something different.

    I hope you will appreciate this

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Ok, we are working to make all breaking points customizable from options. This way you should be able to use them according your needs ??
    I hope you will appreciate our commitment into this

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    controllando il sito indicato nel topic, risulta che in realtà le freccette per aumentare e diminuire la quantità non funzionano.
    Questo problema è presente anche a desktop, non solo a mobile.

    Il motivo è un errore JS in console del sito.
    Vedo che è attiva la minificazione e combinazione JS di Siteground Optimizer, magari la prima cosa da fare è svuotare la cache e ricostruire la minimizzazione e combinazione delle risorse JS.

    Francesco Grasso


    YITH Support Representative

    Es un placer leer que ha resuelto ?? ?Buena suerte con tu sitio!

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