Hi Rustaurius,
I have no ideea at the moment why this is happening, but beside that I have an error and i don’t know why. There is a file that needs to be loaded and cannot be found.
plugins/ultimate-product-catalogue/css/addtl/.css?ver=4.0 — Probably some file linked incorrectly.
About why the products are not showing on the second page on mobile devices, it coud be probably a javascript error.
in dev tools i get this error after clicking on the second page from the mobile device emulator:
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a functionupcp-jquery-functions.js?ver=4.0:443 ResetFancyBoxes upcp-jquery-functions.js?ver=4.0:101
(anonymous function) jquery.min.js:3
b.Callbacks.c jquery.min.js:3
b.Callbacks.p.fireWith jquery.min.js:5
k jquery.min.js:5
b.ajaxTransport.send.rXMLHttpRequest.send (async) jquery.min.js:5 b.ajaxTransport.send jquery.min.js:5
b.extend.ajax jquery.min.js:5
b.each.b.(anonymous function) upcp-jquery-functions.js?ver=4.0:93
UPCP_Ajax_Filter upcp-jquery-functions.js?ver=4.0:60