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  • Thread Starter Frank Umeadi


    Alright, let me be very clear. Follow the below guideline to implement this feature.

    1. Create the Shortcode

    Add the following code to your child’s theme functions.php. It is used to create a shortcode that will display the total wallet balance of all users.

    //Create shortcode to display total balance
    add_shortcode( 'total_balance', 'total_balance_shortcode' );
    function total_balance_shortcode(){
    global $wpdb;
    $total_balance = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT DISTINCT SUM(p.meta_value) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta as p WHERE p.meta_key=’_current_woo_wallet_balance'”);
    return $total_balance;

    2. Create a WordPress Page

    Then, create a new WordPress page. You can name it Total Wallet Balance or anything you wish. This page is where you will display the total wallet balance of all users. I believe this feature is only useful to the admin, so you don’t have to allow other users to access it. So don’t create a menu link for it.

    Inside the editing area of the page, enter the shortcode [total_balance]. This shortcode will now display the total wallet balance of all users when you open the page.

    I hope this guide helps everyone that needs it. Good luck!

    Thread Starter Frank Umeadi


    I have found a way to do it. For anyone still interested in this feature, you can try the below code.

    global $wpdb;
    $total_balance = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT DISTINCT SUM(p.meta_value) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}usermeta as p WHERE p.meta_key=’_current_woo_wallet_balance'”);
    echo $total_balance;

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