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it’s just a guess though (but surely I had played with the default image sizes before). In any case calling the param explicitly did the trick
All seems to work now!
I have created a new page from scratch
and tried using
[portfolio_slideshow] with no parameters, and flicking the the default size on the plugin settings between “thumbs” and “medium”: it works fine.In fact now you mention a cache issue…maybe this could give a hint: initially slideshows were playing fine with “medium” size. Then I had changed the default size for “medium” (now is set to 500×375) and regenerated the thumbs (twice) but maybe something went wrong. Now it seems fine (both using an explicit size parameter and without)
Calling the size explicitly in portfolio_slideshow seems to have fixed it.Hi Dalton
thanks for helping me out!
I have used [portfolio_slideshow size=medium] and it does seem to work!I thought the image size was controlled by the setting under the “slideshow settings/slideshow display” section, when no param was specified. I had tried changing that ( thumb/medium/etc) but with no luck, the img size was staying small. Or maybe wit no param specified it is picking up the size default from somewhere else?
Here is a test page that seems now to be working properly