Forum Replies Created
I have the same error…
Hi @wfmark !
Thanks for your advices. I test disable plugins and theme and I found the problem.
I use a child them with specific functions.php and it is this function which generate error of wordfense scan :Thank you for your advices. I tested disabling plugins and theme and found the problem.
I’m using a child theme with specific functions.php and it’s this function that generates the wordfense scan error :/* Add Fred Hide the subscriber dashboard */ add_action('admin_init', 'no_dashboard'); function no_dashboard() { if (!current_user_can('manage_options') && $_SERVER['DOING_AJAX'] != '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php') { wp_redirect(home_url()); exit; } } function my_function_admin_bar($content) { return ( current_user_can("administrator") ) ? $content : false; } add_filter( 'show_admin_bar' , 'my_function_admin_bar');
I changed like this* :
/* Add Fred Hide the subscriber dashboard */ function remove_subscriber_admin_bar() { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if (count($current_user->roles) == 1 && $current_user->roles[0] == 'subscriber') { show_admin_bar(false); } } add_action('wp_loaded', 'remove_subscriber_admin_bar'); // Redirect subscriber accounts from dashboard to homepage function redirect_subscriber_to_frontend() { $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); if (count($current_user->roles) == 1 && $current_user->roles[0] == 'subscriber') { wp_redirect(site_url('/')); exit; } } add_action('admin_init', 'redirect_subscriber_to_frontend');
Source :
All thanks and sorry for the loss of time
A little up ??
Thanks @wfmark. I sent you the report.
Thanks @wfmark
Same issue with your advices.
This is my new log :[Dec 13 17:47:16:1702486036.674478:4:info] Scan process ended after forking.
[Dec 13 17:47:15:1702486035.655390:4:info] Starting cron via proxy at URL
[Dec 13 17:47:15:1702486035.638166:4:info] getMaxExecutionTime() returning config value: 20
[Dec 13 17:47:15:1702486035.630059:4:info] Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime: 20
[Dec 13 17:47:15:1702486035.588129:4:info] Entering start scan routine
[Dec 13 17:47:15:1702486035.554172:4:info] Ajax request received to start scan.
[Dec 13 17:47:08:1702486028.430303:10:info] SUM_KILLED:A request was received to stop the previous scan.
[Dec 13 17:47:08:1702486028.425873:1:info] Scan stop request received.
[Dec 13 17:46:50:1702486010.941482:4:info] Calling Wordfence API v2.26:
[Dec 13 17:43:44:1702485824.852021:2:info] Attempting to resume scan stage (0 attempt(s) remaining)…Sorry, all thanks, it’s ok for me.
Hi @wfmark,
I am not using Cloudflare.
My log is :
[Dec 04 22:35:25] Entering start scan routine
[Dec 04 22:35:25] Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime: 0
[Dec 04 22:35:25] Got max_execution_time value from ini: 500
[Dec 04 22:35:25] ini value of 500 is higher than value for WORDFENCE_SCAN_MAX_INI_EXECUTION_TIME (90), reducing
[Dec 04 22:35:25] getMaxExecutionTime() returning half ini value: 45
[Dec 04 22:35:25] Starting cron via proxy at URL
[Dec 04 22:35:26] Scan process ended after forking.
[Dec 04 22:35:27] Calling Wordfence API v2.26:
[Dec 04 22:35:37] Ajax request received to start scan.
[Dec 04 22:35:37] Entering start scan routineThanks
FredThanks ! I don’t know how to check my roles. All seems ok in wp-admin (1 admin and 14 subscribers).
Should I go and check something in the wp-user tables ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classic Editor] Can’t edit postsThe problem seems to be with php_version: 8.1.13.
I change with php 7.4 and all is ok.Thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Classic Editor] Can’t edit postsHi,
I try with :- Twenty Twenty Three theme
- Only Classic editor plugin active
- Everything up to date
but I have still the same problem :
No JavaScript error : Cette page utilise la propriété non standard ??zoom??. Envisagez d’utiliser calc() dans les valeurs des propriétés pertinentes ou utilisez ??transform?? avec ??transform-origin: 0 0??. post-new.php
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed with logging active, version 3.3.2With my theme and plugins, I have one error :
Cette page utilise la propriété non standard ? zoom ?. Envisagez d’utiliser calc() dans les valeurs des propriétés pertinentes ou utilisez ? transform ? avec ? transform-origin: 0 0 ?. post-new.php
jQuery.Deferred exception: is undefined initFolders@
Deferred/then/resolve/Deferred/then/resolve/<@ fire@ fireWith@ fire@ fire@ fireWith@ ready@ completed@ EventListener.handleEvent@ @ @ undefined jquery.js:4050:18 JQMIGRATE: event shorthand is deprecated jquery-migrate.js:100:12 JQMIGRATE: jQuery(window).on(‘load’…) called after load event occurred jquery-migrate.js:100:12 JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.blur() event shorthand is deprecated jquery-migrate.js:100:12 JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.keydown() event shorthand is deprecated jquery-migrate.js:100:12 Uncaught TypeError: is undefined initFolders
jQuery 13Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Responsive Lightbox & Gallery] Break the site since WP 5.6Same issue. Waiting fix. All thanks !
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] ActivationHi,
Since update MH Magazine lite Version : 2.5.5, the problem is solved.
All thanks
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)] Delete sent newslettersI have the same question.
All thanks.Fred
I don’t know how to reset this post.
SorryForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Image Sizes] Regenerate only featured imagesI want also regenerate thumbnails only for featured post images.
Do you find a solution ?Fred