Forum Replies Created
Thanks for the answer Diego. I found no errors in the server log or javascript. I keep investigating. I sent the URL on your support page. Thanks!
Entendo, valeu! abs
Olá! Estou na Vers?o: 1.1.0 – n?o encontrei outra mais recente. Acho que pode ser um conflito com o “SiteGround Optimizer”. Ao desativar o minify e combine js, o autocomplete volta a funcionar. Tentei excluí-lo da otimiza??o, mas ele n?o aparece na lista de exclus?o. Vou tentar usar alguns desses filtros que eles disponibilizam aqui:
Olá Fernando!
Resolvido com a equipe de Suporte/integra??o via ticket, após uns 10 dias. N?o informaram qual era o problema, disseram que: “Teve uma atualiza??o no plugin, isso pode ter corrigido as falhas.”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Melhor Envio] Fatal error: Illegal offset type in isset or emptyMudei de navegador/PC e consegui ativar o plugin. Acredito que era algum cache do Chrome/Navegador. Porém a calculadora continuar sem exibir.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by freitasfelipe.
I understand and thank you for your reply! You guys do an excellent job with this plugin.
Is it compatible with other Autocomplete plugins? Or should I just buy the plugin developed by you? (which looks very nice, but paid) It would be nice if we had the option to use any plugin that supports Woo’s native fields, like in payment methods, but I understand your position. Tks!
@tizum Tem alguma solu??o? Tbm estou com este problema.
I managed to solve the problem by disabling the Siteground cache plugin, known as “SiteGround Optimizer”. Afterwards I found that by disabling two functions in it, the error is fixed.
The functions I disabled in the plugin are:
“Dynamic Caching
Store your content in the server’s memory for a faster access with this full-page caching solution powered by NGINX.Memcached
Powerful object caching for your site. It stores frequently executed queries to your databases and reuses them for better performance.”Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Where do I find a list of parameters/variables ??used by Woo?@lorro I don’t understand much, but I will try to do it. Thank you for your help!