Forum Replies Created

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Thread Starter freixa21


    A?ado log de Redsys y Woo:

    Detalle de la notificación 1
    Fecha y hora
    19/07/2022 13:51:41
    Tipo notificación
    Modo de comunicación
    Resultado operación
    Cod. respuesta servidor
    Error (
    Destino notificación
    Datos notificación


    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - HTTP $_POST checkout received: Array
        [billing_first_name] => Max
        [billing_last_name] => Freixa
        [billing_country] => ES
        [billing_address_1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billing_address_2] => 
        [billing_postcode] => 08221
        [billing_city] => Terrassa
        [billing_state] => B
        [billing_phone] => 630206438
        [billing_email] => [email protected]
        [billing_agente_navegador] => TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTAyLjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTAyLjA=
        [billing_idioma_navegador] => es-ES
        [billing_altura_pantalla] => 1080
        [billing_anchura_pantalla] => 1920
        [billing_profundidad_color] => 24
        [billing_diferencia_horaria] => -120
        [billing_http_accept_headers] => dGV4dC9odG1sLGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3hodG1sK3htbCxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi94bWw7cT0wLjksaW1hZ2UvYXZpZixpbWFnZS93ZWJwLCovKjtxPTAuOA==
        [billing_tz_horaria] => -120
        [billing_js_enabled_navegador] => false
        [order_comments] => 
        [shipping_method] => Array
                [0] => mrw
        [payment_method] => redsys
        [terms] => on
        [terms-field] => 1
        [woocommerce-process-checkout-nonce] => d2b314983b
        [_wp_http_referer] => /?wc-ajax=update_order_review
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -   Function process_payment()  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -   $_POST: Array
        [billing_first_name] => Max
        [billing_last_name] => Freixa
        [billing_country] => ES
        [billing_address_1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billing_address_2] => 
        [billing_postcode] => 08221
        [billing_city] => Terrassa
        [billing_state] => B
        [billing_phone] => 630206438
        [billing_email] => [email protected]
        [billing_agente_navegador] => TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTAyLjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTAyLjA=
        [billing_idioma_navegador] => es-ES
        [billing_altura_pantalla] => 1080
        [billing_anchura_pantalla] => 1920
        [billing_profundidad_color] => 24
        [billing_diferencia_horaria] => -120
        [billing_http_accept_headers] => dGV4dC9odG1sLGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3hodG1sK3htbCxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi94bWw7cT0wLjksaW1hZ2UvYXZpZixpbWFnZS93ZWJwLCovKjtxPTAuOA==
        [billing_tz_horaria] => -120
        [billing_js_enabled_navegador] => false
        [order_comments] => 
        [shipping_method] => Array
                [0] => mrw
        [payment_method] => redsys
        [terms] => on
        [terms-field] => 1
        [woocommerce-process-checkout-nonce] => d2b314983b
        [_wp_http_referer] => /?wc-ajax=update_order_review
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - Updating Status to: Pending Redsys Payment
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $user_id: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $usetokensdirect: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $terminal2: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $terminal: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $use_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $token_type: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $url_ok:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $tokennum: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $save_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $psd2: YES
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $usetokensdirect: YES
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $customer_token_r: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - Not pay with 1clic
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 - $redirect:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:32 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -           URL Live RD         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -       Correct referer         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      Making redsys_args_p      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $order_id: 5928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $transaction_id2: 647000005928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $order_total_sign: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $save_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -   Arrive to get_acctinfo() PSD2 Class.  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - User loged in
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $ds_merchant_emv3ds: Array
        [addrMatch] => Y
        [billAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [billAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [billAddrState] => B
        [billAddrCountry] => 724
        [Email] => [email protected]
        [acctInfo] => Array
                [chAccAgeInd] => 05
                [shipAddressUsage] => 20220719
                [shipAddressUsageInd] => 01
                [chAccDate] => 20220111
                [chAccChange] => 20220719
                [chAccChangeInd] => 01
                [nbPurchaseAccount] => 0
                [txnActivityDay] => 1
                [txnActivityYear] => 1
        [homePhone] => Array
                [subscriber] => 630206438
        [shipAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [shipAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [shipAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [shipAddrState] => B
        [shipAddrCountry] => 724
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $psd2: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"1","txnActivityYear":"1"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_r: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_r: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_c: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      USER SHA256 NOT Test.    
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - get_redsys_args_p: fase 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 647000005928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - NOT Using TRA
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - NOT Using LWV
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - Generating payment form for order 5928. Sent data: Array
        [Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
        [Ds_Signature] => z2XUtHZf6J+VT2AZcPy7rBCrBqXOSiyUMY0bjv1biPk=
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - Helping to understand the encrypted code: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - set_transient: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 647000005928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - SECRETSHA256: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TITULAR: Max Freixa
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - Ds_Merchant_EMV3DS: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"1","txnActivityYear":"1"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -           URL Live RD         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -       Correct referer         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      Making redsys_args_p      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $order_id: 5928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $transaction_id2: 246000005928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $order_total_sign: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $save_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -   Arrive to get_acctinfo() PSD2 Class.  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - User loged in
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $ds_merchant_emv3ds: Array
        [addrMatch] => Y
        [billAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [billAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [billAddrState] => B
        [billAddrCountry] => 724
        [Email] => [email protected]
        [acctInfo] => Array
                [chAccAgeInd] => 05
                [shipAddressUsage] => 20220719
                [shipAddressUsageInd] => 01
                [chAccDate] => 20220111
                [chAccChange] => 20220719
                [chAccChangeInd] => 01
                [nbPurchaseAccount] => 0
                [txnActivityDay] => 1
                [txnActivityYear] => 1
        [homePhone] => Array
                [subscriber] => 630206438
        [shipAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [shipAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [shipAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [shipAddrState] => B
        [shipAddrCountry] => 724
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $psd2: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"1","txnActivityYear":"1"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_r: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_r: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - $customer_token_c: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -      USER SHA256 NOT Test.    
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - get_redsys_args_p: fase 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 246000005928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - NOT Using TRA
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - NOT Using LWV
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - Generating payment form for order 5928. Sent data: Array
        [Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
        [Ds_Signature] => kvg7rS4BYp8m88XKIfTdvX7HrxtUc4A73XzMIzbVhac=
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - Helping to understand the encrypted code: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - set_transient: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 246000005928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5928
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - SECRETSHA256: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - DS_MERCHANT_TITULAR: Max Freixa
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 - Ds_Merchant_EMV3DS: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"1","txnActivityYear":"1"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:52:33 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - HTTP $_POST checkout received: Array
        [billing_first_name] => Max
        [billing_last_name] => Freixa
        [billing_country] => ES
        [billing_address_1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billing_address_2] => 
        [billing_postcode] => 08221
        [billing_city] => Terrassa
        [billing_state] => B
        [billing_phone] => 630206438
        [billing_email] => [email protected]
        [billing_agente_navegador] => TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTAyLjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTAyLjA=
        [billing_idioma_navegador] => es-ES
        [billing_altura_pantalla] => 1080
        [billing_anchura_pantalla] => 1920
        [billing_profundidad_color] => 24
        [billing_diferencia_horaria] => -120
        [billing_http_accept_headers] => dGV4dC9odG1sLGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3hodG1sK3htbCxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi94bWw7cT0wLjksaW1hZ2UvYXZpZixpbWFnZS93ZWJwLCovKjtxPTAuOA==
        [billing_tz_horaria] => -120
        [billing_js_enabled_navegador] => false
        [order_comments] => 
        [shipping_method] => Array
                [0] => mrw
        [payment_method] => redsys
        [terms] => on
        [terms-field] => 1
        [woocommerce-process-checkout-nonce] => d2b314983b
        [_wp_http_referer] => /?wc-ajax=update_order_review
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -   Function process_payment()  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -   $_POST: Array
        [billing_first_name] => Max
        [billing_last_name] => Freixa
        [billing_country] => ES
        [billing_address_1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billing_address_2] => 
        [billing_postcode] => 08221
        [billing_city] => Terrassa
        [billing_state] => B
        [billing_phone] => 630206438
        [billing_email] => [email protected]
        [billing_agente_navegador] => TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NDsgcnY6MTAyLjApIEdlY2tvLzIwMTAwMTAxIEZpcmVmb3gvMTAyLjA=
        [billing_idioma_navegador] => es-ES
        [billing_altura_pantalla] => 1080
        [billing_anchura_pantalla] => 1920
        [billing_profundidad_color] => 24
        [billing_diferencia_horaria] => -120
        [billing_http_accept_headers] => dGV4dC9odG1sLGFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL3hodG1sK3htbCxhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi94bWw7cT0wLjksaW1hZ2UvYXZpZixpbWFnZS93ZWJwLCovKjtxPTAuOA==
        [billing_tz_horaria] => -120
        [billing_js_enabled_navegador] => false
        [order_comments] => 
        [shipping_method] => Array
                [0] => mrw
        [payment_method] => redsys
        [terms] => on
        [terms-field] => 1
        [woocommerce-process-checkout-nonce] => d2b314983b
        [_wp_http_referer] => /?wc-ajax=update_order_review
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - Updating Status to: Pending Redsys Payment
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $user_id: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $usetokensdirect: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $terminal2: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $terminal: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $use_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $token_type: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $url_ok:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $tokennum: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $save_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $psd2: YES
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $usetokensdirect: YES
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $customer_token_r: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - Not pay with 1clic
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 - $redirect:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:02 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -           URL Live RD         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -       Correct referer         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -      Making redsys_args_p      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $order_id: 5929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $transaction_id2: 28000005929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $order_total_sign: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $save_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -   Arrive to get_acctinfo() PSD2 Class.  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - User loged in
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $ds_merchant_emv3ds: Array
        [addrMatch] => Y
        [billAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [billAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [billAddrState] => B
        [billAddrCountry] => 724
        [Email] => [email protected]
        [acctInfo] => Array
                [chAccAgeInd] => 05
                [shipAddressUsage] => 20220719
                [shipAddressUsageInd] => 01
                [chAccDate] => 20220111
                [chAccChange] => 20220719
                [chAccChangeInd] => 01
                [nbPurchaseAccount] => 0
                [txnActivityDay] => 2
                [txnActivityYear] => 2
        [homePhone] => Array
                [subscriber] => 630206438
        [shipAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [shipAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [shipAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [shipAddrState] => B
        [shipAddrCountry] => 724
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $psd2: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"2","txnActivityYear":"2"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token_r: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token_r: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - $customer_token_c: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -      USER SHA256 NOT Test.    
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - get_redsys_args_p: fase 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 28000005929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - NOT Using TRA
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - NOT Using LWV
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - Generating payment form for order 5929. Sent data: Array
        [Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
        [Ds_Signature] => uGval37ylvqqkFuLISYrOYRet0mKfCE18AvvP2V92K8=
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - Helping to understand the encrypted code: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - set_transient: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 28000005929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - SECRETSHA256: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - DS_MERCHANT_TITULAR: Max Freixa
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 - Ds_Merchant_EMV3DS: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"2","txnActivityYear":"2"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:03 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -           URL Live RD         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -       Correct referer         
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -      Making redsys_args_p      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $order_id: 5929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $transaction_id2: 260000005929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $order_total_sign: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $save_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -   Arrive to get_acctinfo() PSD2 Class.  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /**************************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - User loged in
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $ds_merchant_emv3ds: Array
        [addrMatch] => Y
        [billAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [billAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [billAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [billAddrState] => B
        [billAddrCountry] => 724
        [Email] => [email protected]
        [acctInfo] => Array
                [chAccAgeInd] => 05
                [shipAddressUsage] => 20220719
                [shipAddressUsageInd] => 01
                [chAccDate] => 20220111
                [chAccChange] => 20220719
                [chAccChangeInd] => 01
                [nbPurchaseAccount] => 0
                [txnActivityDay] => 2
                [txnActivityYear] => 2
        [homePhone] => Array
                [subscriber] => 630206438
        [shipAddrCity] => Terrassa
        [shipAddrLine1] => Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4
        [shipAddrPostCode] => 08221
        [shipAddrState] => B
        [shipAddrCountry] => 724
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $psd2: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"2","txnActivityYear":"2"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token_r: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token_c: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token_r: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token: no
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - $customer_token_c: FALSE
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -      Checking user test       
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -      User test Disabled.      
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -      USER SHA256 NOT Test.    
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - /****************************/
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - get_redsys_args_p: fase 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 260000005929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - NOT Using TRA
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - NOT Using LWV
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - Generating payment form for order 5929. Sent data: Array
        [Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
        [Ds_Signature] => APu5wzH74HhFCVCkW5ewq/3qEw+bDqZWevfOWQQhUwY=
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - Helping to understand the encrypted code: 
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - set_transient: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 260000005929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY: 978
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Orden 5929
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTNAME: Fleurance Nature
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - SECRETSHA256: Zxx08ix8sZQRsXwLxZ8jkrNGIzfbjG26
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - DS_MERCHANT_TITULAR: Max Freixa
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 - Ds_Merchant_EMV3DS: {"addrMatch":"Y","billAddrCity":"Terrassa","billAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","billAddrPostCode":"08221","billAddrState":"B","billAddrCountry":"724","Email":"[email protected]","acctInfo":{"chAccAgeInd":"05","shipAddressUsage":"20220719","shipAddressUsageInd":"01","chAccDate":"20220111","chAccChange":"20220719","chAccChangeInd":"01","nbPurchaseAccount":"0","txnActivityDay":"2","txnActivityYear":"2"},"homePhone":{"subscriber":"630206438"},"shipAddrCity":"Terrassa","shipAddrLine1":"Carrer de Baix 1, 3-4","shipAddrPostCode":"08221","shipAddrState":"B","shipAddrCountry":"724"}
    07-19-2022 @ 12:56:04 -  
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - Generating payment form for order 5932. Sent data: Array
        [Ds_SignatureVersion] => HMAC_SHA256_V1
        [Ds_Signature] => 30RogsSZRdjJpK1mj8ai1cAGX+qqQo1swGUiLrNqmhg=
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - Helping to understand the encrypted code: 
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT: 880
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_ORDER: 881000005932
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE: 355986183
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY978
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE: 0
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL: 1
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTURL:
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_URLOK:
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_URLKO:
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_CONSUMERLANGUAGE: 001
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION: Pedido 5932
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_PAYMETHODS: T
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:12 - DS_MERCHANT_MODULE:
    07-19-2022 @ 13:41:28 - $is_redsys_order: YES
    07-19-2022 @ 13:42:19 - HTTP Notification received: Array
    07-19-2022 @ 13:42:19 - Received INVALID notification from Servired/RedSys
    07-19-2022 @ 13:42:24 - HTTP Notification received: Array
    07-19-2022 @ 13:42:24 - Received INVALID notification from Servired/RedSys
    07-19-2022 @ 13:42:36 - HTTP Notification received: Array
    07-19-2022 @ 13:42:36 - Received INVALID notification from Servired/RedSys
    07-19-2022 @ 13:47:45 - EM5Pzuw7XcJjReaLea2I -- Acceso a la opción de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:47:45 - l8ZfcsmcFwgsNLepVGFZ -- Acceso a la página de confirmación de la opción de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:47:45 - l8ZfcsmcFwgsNLepVGFZ -- Acceso al formulario de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:48:57 - sTCbXHohJpMVimiKfxND -- Acceso a la opción de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:48:58 - t3jI5vExp9u0WbK2Ma5B -- Acceso a la página de confirmación de la opción de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:48:58 - t3jI5vExp9u0WbK2Ma5B -- Acceso al formulario de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:50:58 - 63f5pr5a7DIkyE9osRkL -- Acceso a la opción de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:50:59 - tOM2q8Od6XMRpULRGXcp -- Acceso a la página de confirmación de la opción de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    07-19-2022 @ 13:50:59 - tOM2q8Od6XMRpULRGXcp -- Acceso al formulario de pago con tarjeta de REDSYS
    Thread Starter freixa21



    I’m going to give you all the information so maybe you can help me better!

    Here the code you told me to add. I changed the fields for ‘billing_first_name’ and ‘billing_phone’ but I couldn’t make it work…

     * Register the custom fields with MailChimp for WordPress.
    add_filter( 'mc4wp_integration_data', function( $data ) {
    	$field_names = array(
    	foreach( $field_names as $field_name ) {
    		if( ! empty( $_POST[ $field_name ] ) ) {
    			$data[ $field_name ] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST[ $field_name ] );
    	return $data;

    Here the code for add the fields to the register form and ADD it to the woocommerce database:

    function wooc_extra_register_fields() {?>
           <p class="form-row form-row-first">
           <label for="reg_billing_first_name"></label>
           <input type="text" class="input-text" name="billing_first_name" placeholder="Nombre" id="reg_billing_first_name" value="<?php if ( ! empty( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ) ) esc_attr_e( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ); ?>" />
           <p class="form-row form-row-last">
           <label for="reg_billing_last_name"></label>
           <input type="text" class="input-text" name="billing_last_name" placeholder="Apellidos" id="reg_billing_last_name" value="<?php if ( ! empty( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ) ) esc_attr_e( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ); ?>" />
           <p class="form-row form-row-wide">
           <label for="reg_billing_phone"></label>
           <input type="text" class="input-text" name="billing_phone" placeholder="Teléfono" id="reg_billing_phone" value="<?php esc_attr_e( $_POST['billing_phone'] ); ?>" />
           <div class="clear"></div>
     add_action( 'woocommerce_register_form_start', 'wooc_extra_register_fields' );
    function wooc_validate_extra_register_fields( $username, $email, $validation_errors ) {
          if ( isset( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ) && empty( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ) ) {
                 $validation_errors->add( 'billing_first_name_error', __( '<strong>Error</strong>: First name is required!', 'woocommerce' ) );
          if ( isset( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ) && empty( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ) ) {
                 $validation_errors->add( 'billing_last_name_error', __( '<strong>Error</strong>: Last name is required!.', 'woocommerce' ) );
             return $validation_errors;
    add_action( 'woocommerce_register_post', 'wooc_validate_extra_register_fields', 10, 3 );
        * Escriure dades a la BBDD.
        function wooc_save_extra_register_fields( $customer_id ) {
            if ( isset( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) ) {
                         // Phone input filed which is used in WooCommerce
                         update_user_meta( $customer_id, 'billing_phone', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_phone'] ) );
              if ( isset( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ) ) {
                     //First name field which is by default
                     update_user_meta( $customer_id, 'first_name', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ) );
                     // First name field which is used in WooCommerce
                     update_user_meta( $customer_id, 'billing_first_name', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ) );
              if ( isset( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ) ) {
                     // Last name field which is by default
                     update_user_meta( $customer_id, 'last_name', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ) );
                     // Last name field which is used in WooCommerce
                     update_user_meta( $customer_id, 'billing_last_name', sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_last_name'] ) );
        add_action( 'woocommerce_created_customer', 'wooc_save_extra_register_fields' );

    Here the checkbox to subscribe the people to my mailchimp list.

    function myprefix_show_list_choice_in_registration() {
            		<input name="_mc4wp_lists[]" type="checkbox" value="89d93e9a95"> <a class="registremch">Deseo mantenerme informado sobre las últimas novedades, ofertas y promociones de Bento Sushi.</a>
    add_action( 'register_form', 'myprefix_show_list_choice_in_registration' );

    Thanks for you help again Harish!

    Thread Starter freixa21


    Where I can find this field nomes? I changed for example:

    ‘TELEPHONE’ > ‘billing_phone’

    But still not taking it. I’m not very sure what to do, sorry for the ignorance.


    Thread Starter freixa21



    Thank you so much for the answer, I really appreciate it. I’m using the default WooCommerce registration form and I added the Mailchimp checkbox and added that code but is only taking the email.

    The link of my website:


    Thread Starter freixa21


    Tried this code from this guide.

    add_filter( 'mc4wp_integration_woocommerce_data', function( $data ) { 
    	// Grab MailChimp field values from the current request
    	$data['First Name'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_first_name'] ); 	
    	$data['Phone Number'] = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['billing_phone'] ); 
    	// Return the fields so the plugin knows to send them to MailChimp
    	return $data; 

    Also tried with MERGE1, MERGE4 instead of First Name or Phone Number but still not working…

    Hey there!

    I followed this guide:

    Using the code and then in the plugin I went to Mailchimp for WP > Integrations > Registration Form > and activate it.

    Now mailchimp is taking the email but not the name or other information that I may need.

    Any idea?


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by freixa21.
    Thread Starter freixa21




    Thread Starter freixa21


    Hi, for example in a pizza restaurant delivery/take-away:

    If i take a pizza BUT I don’t chose any drink or dessert: I want in the checkout to make this food categories to get displayed (dessert and drinkS).

    Or if I take a pizza and drink but I didn’t choose a dessert I want in the checkout to make the desserts appear.

    You know what I mean?

    Thank you.

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