Okay, thanks again for your two advices, though they didn’t help much ??
So here’s what I did after your answer
I cleared up my database via PHPmyAdmin
DROP TABLE 'wp_commentmeta', 'wp_comments', 'wp_links', 'wp_options', 'wp_postmeta', 'wp_posts', 'wp_terms', 'wp_term_relationships', 'wp_term_taxonomy', 'wp_users';
I removed every single file on my server (my blog was still ‘under construction’ so there was nothing to back up for now)
I re-uploaded the WordPress 2.9 files (via FTP), freshly re-extracted from the archive (in case I had done something to the files and did not remember)
Reperformed the installation
Again, it’s telling me that my database is not correct and it needs to be repaired and finally I am back to the same point: it’s directing me here and giving me the following error code:
wp_usermeta: Table 'general_aetius.wp_usermeta' doesn't exist
I was wondering if someone had any clue for doing it manually ? It does not frightens me, though in this case, I have strictly no idea on how to do it…