John Stringfellow
Forum Replies Created
I just wrote you back Mike.
I’m having the same problem Jill. I think the spambots have broken Captcha.
The problem for me is that my tag list is so extensive that it takes forever to load and makes the options page freeze. It basically renders the options page unusable.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: space between image and link and why is my header moved over?Simply,
I read your other post and now I realize that you are further into this than I thought you were. [you are way past feeding the pigeons]
What base are you using for this design? Is it the one that you designed from scratch? If it is maybe you should go back and look at the original design and see if the footer is correctly placed in that design. If it is, compare the two files and see what the difference is.
I think you might have some problems with floats but I am not sure. I think that may be why the footer is misaligned. Or is there a wrapper that holds in the header, body and footer? or is the wrapper only containing the header and the body? These are some random suggestions to check out for yourself.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Coding my design. Help. (Also, rant.)Simply,
I answered one of your questions on another post and after reading this one, I now have a better idea of where you’re coming from. I am on the same road that you are. I am making my own theme from scratch after the theme I was using became obsolete when the designer abandoned it to move onto bigger and better things, leaving me standing there wondering what to do.
I too started with the tutorial and found it to be amazingly simple to create a simple bare bones theme. I am now the proud owner of a custom theme with my own name on it. It is a foundation or theme framework that I built. I do have some style issues to remedy and tweak, but the results are actually pretty damn good:
Yes, I am posting this to brag, but also to encourage you that you can do this! It will take time to make your own theme work, but It’s Worth It.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: IE 6 Conditional Statetments and IE 6 custom stylesheetEsmi,
I am trying out IETester and it is helping me tweak that theme for IE6. The program keeps shutting down or crashing. Is that happening with yours?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: space between image and link and why is my header moved over?Esmi,
I got the impression that Carolyn was just getting started and might not want to tackle feeding the tigers right now. I think she might want to start with feeding the pigeons.
I agree your solution is the ideal one.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Footer problemDan,
Did you get this resolved? I think the Sliding Door Theme might require a completely different solution.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: space between image and link and why is my header moved over?Esmi,
That’s OK, but I don’t think having Carolyn add that code to her stylesheet is exactly a light solution.
I don’t think you need the style or the ;
just border=”0″
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: IE 6 Conditional Statetments and IE 6 custom stylesheetThanks for clearing that up. Now it makes perfect sense. The theme now displays with two columns in IE6 even if the proportions and borders are all messed up. I would love to make it look better but I don’t fully understand what IE 6 is doing to the margins and measurements. [and I don’t think I really want to know what it is doing]
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: IE 6 Conditional Statetments and IE 6 custom stylesheetEsmi,
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
That worked beautifully. I wish I had asked my question yesterday. I understand now why it wasn’t working, but I do not understand the ‘template_directory’ part. Why not ‘stylesheet_url’?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: space between image and link and why is my header moved over?Carolyn,
Welcome and don’t worry about asking too many questions!
instead of
border: 0;”
and also try putting a space between the image and the link code (a href):
<li><img src="" alt="rss" title="rss feed" style="border: 0;" /> <a href="" title="Subscribe to my posts using RSS" class="feed">Subscribe</a></li>
this will put a small space between your RSS image and your subscribe link.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Firefox Footer ProblemMitch,
I appreciate you working with me. I cannot get IE 6 to work at all. I have tried to get a conditional statement to work at the top of my header linking to a special IE6 style sheet but I must be doing something wrong. I am moving this to another post since we solved the original footer problem.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: ThemesWe will need some page shots or links to working pages in order to be able to help you ladybug. We also need to know which themes you are using.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Creating a ThemeWM,
You might want to try making your own theme. It is a very good way to get to know what makes WordPress tick. Here is a wonderful guided tutorial that I used that really helped me get started: