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  • I was having the same issue (redirect works with default URL, not with permalinks).

    I found this older post describing a code change, but couldn’t apply it as-is because it refers to an older version of UAM.

    However, below change in UserAccessManager.class.php, public function redirect does solve the issue for me:

    } elseif (isset($oPageParams->query_vars['name'])) {
    		// frene7ik 20130516
                    //$oObject = get_page_by_title($oPageParams->query_vars['name'], OBJECT, 'post');
    		$oObject = get_page_by_path($oPageParams->query_vars['name'], OBJECT, 'post');	
                    if ($oObject !== null) {
                        $oObjectType = $oObject->post_type;
                        $iObjectId = $oObject->ID;
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