I found I can get privateIP/wp-login.php to load mostly. I can enter my username and password, but when I hit submit, it just spins and spins. If I inspect the page, I get what look like errors at the bottom that look like this.
wp-login.php:73 Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined
at wp-login.php:73
(anonymous) @ wp-login.php:73
wp-login.php:84 Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined
at wp-login.php:84
at wp-login.php:85
(anonymous) @ wp-login.php:84
(anonymous) @ wp-login.php:85
wp-login.php:104 Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined
at wp-login.php:104
at wp-login.php:105
(anonymous) @ wp-login.php:104
(anonymous) @ wp-login.php:105
Not sure if that is helpful at all but I figured I would include it.