Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Theme breaks after the latest update!!!I think theres is something wrong with twenty fourteen after the update to WP 4.2 + theme update which I performed today:
The featured content (images) on (static) home page are now displaying not only the images + title but also the full text of the posts they ‘belong to’. I am using a child-theme so I did a preview of what default twenty fourteen would look like and it seems to have the same issue.
There only seems to be a problem on the homepage with the featured images so far.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] Banner above/below all post titlesFound the answer:
Post the banner code below this line in content.php file:
<header class="entry-header">
to have the banner appear above the post titles.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Adding banners above or below all posts or pagesJustin, did you ever manage to solve this issue?
I am looking to do exactly the same thing (2014).Thanks.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Fourteen] How to make the header image responsive?I have this in my style.css to deal with this isse:
img#site-logo { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Theme: Twenty Fourteen] Add banner above/below post titleI have found that in other themes adding code below this would work:
// Start the Loop. while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
But for some reason in twentyfourteen this renders the theme unuseable: blank pages appear.
I have tried also putting it lower in the loop, but no luck ??
I contacted my hoster and they incresed the PHP memory limit and also increased max runtime for scripts to 6 minutes.
It’s now working flawlessly, thanks a bunch!
Plugin error log:
Last Error detected
Last Error: NoneError Details
Error Details: NoneWP-admin: no log
Server-side error_log:
Got a couple of these:
Request exceeded the limit of 10 subrequest nesting levels due to probable confguration error. Use ‘LimitInternalRecursion’ to increase the limit if necessary. Use ‘LogLevel debug’ to get a backtrace.And a couple of these:
Premature end of script headers: wp-cron.phpAnd these:
mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 40 secondsThis goes above my knowledge-level, if you can work with these messages and need more info to fix something in the plugin let me know, if not and I’m the only one with this problem caused by this problem then we can leave it at that, I will just use another plugin (although I prefer yours by far).
I wish to thank you for your help though, it is really appreciated.
Please remove link afterwards:
<snip>This site has no firewalls nor security-plugins other than Limit login attempts plugin which I don’t think can do any harm in this case, but please let me know if it can.
The .htaccess file mostly contains the W3 Total cache rules, a lot of lines starting with:
AddType, Expires and Rewrite.It appears to only contain the W3-code.
I got the exact same issue: blue line keeps loading.
I followed your advice and looked in my main .htaccess file, but the word “ajax” does not appear to be in there anywhere (I did a Find-command).
Also, there does not seems to be a wp-admin/.htaccess file either to look at.The strnage thing is: I got a couple of sites, 3 of them use 2012 theme. All use the same plugins. Only one of those 3 sites has this issue, and neither does have the word “ajax” anywhere in the main .htaccess file nor is there a wp-admin/.htaccess file on either of these sites.
I will watch this thread while maybe someone else finds a sollution, because I think I’m doing something wrong.
I have the same issue, I use W3 Total Cache and indeed, when I rate my recipe myself I get the message “Ratings added successfully !” and the page refreshes, but no rating is added.
Only when I clear all caches from W3 Total Cache the ratings appear.I have the same issue:
Space is allocated for the image but it is not showing (onthe Google-test site).
Tried different images, sizes, names. I don’t use watermarkt in my images.The code says the image is served correctly, but it does not show unfortunately.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual editor and tinymce broken after upgrade to 3.8.1Same for me: I had to switch to any other browser and it works, in Firefox the editor gives a blank screen.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Visual Editor not working after updating to 3.9Same issue for me on 1 of my WP websites after installing 3.9.1
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-PostRatings] Where to place the plugin code in 2014 theme?Nevermind, I got it to show up. Didn’t empty the page caches again. Problem solved!