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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] Missing /small tag in comments.phpeasel theme was discontinued over 5 years ago .. use the comicpress theme
said theme become responsive by using the zappbar plugin:
… do you have the comic sidebars enabled? it’s an option in the comic->config
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] How to set up “latest comic” page?ya know, this is all roundabout anyways
use the [showcomic] shortcode on a page should be just fine for what you want to do
say you want to add a comic into any post you have to ya know, whatever – reference it; doesn’t matter .. this will embed the image with a link to the comic into whatever post you put it in
it has parameters:
character,size(thumbnail/large/full),slug,chapter,orderby(rand/asc/desc),month,day, year
so doing:
[showcomic orderby=rand character=charlie]will make a random comic appear in the post that has the character with the slug charlie set to it
[showcomic orderby=asc chapter=chapter-1]
show the first comic of the chapter with the slug chapter-1 orderby=desc would be last comic and orderby=rand would be a random comic in that chapter
… you can be specific and make it
[showcomic slug=chp1pg3 size=full]would make the comic post with the slug chp1pg3 (use your own) appear, .. specifically that comic only
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] How to set up “latest comic” page?Oh that’d never work, you need to setup the query for what posts you want to grab first.
If you look at this bit of code here: will see the $comic_args which tell the wordpress system what posts to find
then this part:
$comicFrontpage = new WP_Query(); $comicFrontpage->query($comic_args); while ($comicFrontpage->have_posts()) : $comicFrontpage->the_post(); ceo_display_comic_wrapper(); endwhile;
is the actual loop to display the comics from the arguments you passed to it with the $comicFrontpage->query($comic_args);
this actual bit of code is how it displays as its injected into the home page, but use it as a reference to how you would setup that page your creating
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] How to set up “latest comic” page?If you’re not using comicpress you can create a taxonomy-chapters.php file that will be used as the landing page, that links with /chapters/chapter-slug/ but you’ll need to add your own loop inside of it to get the latest from the chapter slug that is given (variable is passed to the taxonomy page so is easy to get)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] How to set up “latest comic” page?If you’re using comicpress with comic easel you can setup a ‘landing page’ with /chapter/chapter-slug/ as part of the url which will have the ability to be linked to as well as the latest comic, the defines for it are in the comic -> config area
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] How to set up “latest comic” page?@kytmagic the thumbnail widget has an option to show the latest thumbnail of the latest comic in it yes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] How to set up “latest comic” page?/?latest at the end of your url would bring it to the latest comic if you’re creating link
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] Different navigation? Swiping through pages?also you can embed comic easel’s do_action(‘comic-area’); into any responsive theme you want, alternatively zappbar plugin makes comicpress responsive
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] Different navigation? Swiping through pages?yes you can create a swipe for mobile, can link it directly to this function:
function ceo_get_adjacent_comic($previous = true, $in_same_chapter = false, $taxonomy = 'comic')
to go prev and next $previous = false -> is next comic
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] Different navigation? Swiping through pages?yes, you can create your own nav, use the post type ‘comic’ with the taxonomy ‘chapters’ when doing your loop for prev and next (and first and last)
<?php $args = array( 'post_type' => 'comic', 'orderby' => 'id', 'chapters' => $chapter_slug, 'order' => 'ASC' ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $args ); if ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post(); // do stuff here. endwhile; else: ?> <p>Sorry, there are no posts to display</p> <?php endif; wp_reset_query(); ?>
your $args can be used however youwant, then the ‘do stuffhere’ is inside the loop
the navigation code I use:
There’s no change to how ComicPress behaves.
that doesn’t look like it has the do_action(‘comic-area’); in the single.php or the index.php … basically comic easel needs to be integrated into themes that are not comicpress
thats done by creating a child theme for the theme you’re using and adding that bit of php to it
- This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by Frumph.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comic Easel] typo in docsah cool thanks, i’ll fix that soon – just put up 1.15 but i’ll have 1.16 with this fix (thank you for showing that to me) soon cause i’m sure 1.15 will have a bug or two that the next update will be next week