First off, let me just say that the comments in the code are excellent and make life a lot easier for non PHP & HTML experts like me.
But I guess the one thing that confused me was that the comments said that the MT usernames would appear in the code in italics (at least that’s how I read it), but in my case that did not appear to happen – there were no user names in my code (indeed I thought it would be odd that they would appear in code).
To answer the specific questions:
1) WordPRess created the new authors corresponding to the existing MT authors when you did the import?
Yes, it picked up ther two authors, including email addresses fine. So I have 3 authors; site admin plus the two named MT users.
2) Whether the password ‘changeme’ worked when you tried to log in as the newly created user?
No, it did not (incidentally, I have deleted all cookies associated with the site in case that was screwing things up)