Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Linking database and websiteThe only other thing I can suggest is perhaps you are editing the wrong wp-config.php the messages come from one in a subdirectory public_html/fair/ apart from that can’t really say.
You could post the whole file to a gist ( gisthub ) but ‘secure it’ by changing the dB_USER & DB_PASS & SALTS which may help someone spot any error.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Linking database and websitealso
26-Jan-2021 00:04:16 UTC] PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ’ – assumed ‘’’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/customer/www/digongroup.com/public_html/fair/wp-config.php on line 76
really indicates issues in the file – possibly hidden characters – how knows.If the ‘quotes’ issue doesn’t solve it I would retype , manually (i.e. not copy and paste ), every thing from line 71 to 77
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Linking database and websiteInteresting that is says
PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant ‘WC_LOG_DIR’ – assumed ‘‘WC_LOG_DIR’’
as normally you would see
PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant WC_LOG_DIR – assumed ‘WC_LOG_DIR’
i.e. without the single quotes
to me that says the single quotes are ‘wrong’.
This is often happens when copied from a blog and the quotes end up ‘speech marks’.
The first thing I would do, is on those lines, edit the file and remove the quotes and add them back manually.
See if that solves the issue
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by fullworks.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: User Role change after subscribe newsletterHow are you getting the Mailhimp signups – are you using a contact form integration or Mailchimp embed code?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: CSS Code Not WorkingGood that you have what you want working
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: CSS Code Not WorkingIn WordPress terms an archive isn’t technically at ‘page’ it is a a list.
WordPress has several structures
for exampleThe body class of a page will contain its id e.g.
An archive can be identified by a different class e.g.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: CSS Code Not WorkingHi,
The link you gave to empregos/ is an archive list not an individual page.
You can use your browser ‘developer tools’ to inspect elements and check teh classes on the <body> element
Hope that helps a bit.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to copy the child-themeHi,
It is simply a matter of copying the child theme directory from your copy site to live
e.g. cloned .. wp-content/themes/my-child-theme -> live wp-content/themes/my-child-theme
using you favourite file management tool ( e.g. FTP, SCP or control panel file manager )
Then when copied, go to live dashboard > appearance > themes and activate the child theme
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Anti-Spam by Fullworks : GDPR Compliant Spam Protection] Perfect spam filterMany thanks for your kind feeback, glad my plugin does the job for you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Event Manager] How long does an event stay displayed?No changes to that area of the plugin in years.
19:00 Thursday, Eastern Time (ET) is
00:00 Friday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)so it fell off a cliff as the day changed as far as UTC-0 is concerned.
I have a feeling that the day change is not localised even if you set your site time zone correctly to UTC+5 – but that is old code that hasn’t been touched in years so I need to look at it.
Thank you for your kind feedback, glad it has helped.
Thank you for your kind feedback.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Event Manager] How long does an event stay displayed?Hi
I assume you mean in the list [qem]?
The display is only ‘day’ sensitive. So will display until the end of the day of start date, or if end date specified end of the day of the end day.
Time is not taken into consideration.
Are you events at the end of the day?
What timezone are you in?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress single site supporting Millions of usersHi
What a nice issue to have in many ways. But obviously frustrating.
I’m just a bystander so please don’t think I have the answers to your issue up my sleeve. Really just more questions.
Now, as far as I understand, ( I could easily missed something ) by default WP authorises by creating a cookie rather than write anything to usermeta.
Is this third party auth service writing to usermeta?
That said lots of plugins do write to usermeta to store last login data, this is common in security plugins, woo commerce and others.
Have you analysed what actual data is overwhelming the table?
This should do it ( untested ) – read and understand.
In reality it is best installed as a plugin as it is functionality.
I have written the basics of a plugin to do this here, it should work, but untested.
The concept is you can define
Enable the plugin and away it goes. No guarantee / warrantee / untested / backup first don’t use on alive site till you are tested type of caveats.
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by fullworks.