samboll, thanks for the effort but I’m not sure how any of those will help me at all.
Maybe I am not being clear enough.
I already have the templates made for the pages I want. Everything is all set up. If I replace my alpha.php file for my index.php file for instance, everything will display as I want it to.
The problem is that I have multiple templates:
home.php – for the home page
list.php – for the list page
index.php – for all single posts
category.php – for all the category pages
alpha.php – (same as index.php but sorted alphabetically)
My problem is that I have no idea how to link to them.
For the chronological list, normally you could just do your home page, but since I have a custom home.php template, the home page displays. So how can I link to a page that uses index.php as its template and displays ALL posts?
For the alphabetical page, I need the same thing: show all posts using alpha.php template.