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  • Thread Starter fusiongt


    Only the pages in the category “browse-series” should query the volumes and chapters. I made a mistake and said the code you gave me worked – which it did, except it took away that limiting factor. The old code had this before it queries volumes and chapters:

    <?php if (in_category(‘browse-series’)) { ?>

    … all the huge querying goes here…

    <?php } ?>

    This way it isn’t chaos hehe.

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    Wait it shouldn’t be like that. I’m going to revert back to the old code so you can see how it is. Please check again ,

    Btw it might be screwy without scroll bars, that’s ok (some javascript is doing it)

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    t31os, thanks…

    Yes it’s on a live server but the site isn’t live yet so no worries (no visitors are seeing it).

    Oh one thing I found was a problem,

    #include (TEMPLATEPATH . ‘/ad_top.php’); if (in_category(‘browse-series’)) {

    Can you make the if (in_category(‘browse-series’)) { not commented (and maybe you need to close it I didn’t check) because I only want all the volumes and chapters listed if you’re in that category ‘browse-series’


    Thread Starter fusiongt


    btw, here is that code in action:

    It’s searching through a couple thousand entries so it takes a bit long to load

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    t31, yea that works

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    It’s a bit modified from the MichaelH’s suggestion because I realized I didn’t need 2 different variables (so instead of searching through all “Series” and “Volume” I’m just searching through “Series Volume” which is more refined for me)

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    t31 sure, here you go:


    Thread Starter fusiongt


    Thanks for the help… I can’t seem to get anything search related to show up. I put in the args and nothing shows up

    // display post title for any post that has both $findtext1 and $findtext2 in the post content
    $findtext1 = 'Welcome';
    $findtext2 = 'first';
    $args = array(
      'post_type' => 'post',
      'post_status' => 'publish',
      'orderby' => 'date',
      'order' => 'DESC',
      'showposts' => -1,
      'caller_get_posts'=> 1,
      's' => '%a%',
      'exact' => true
    $my_query = null;
    $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
    if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
      while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
        if ( (strpos($post->post_content, $findtext1)!== false) && (strpos($post->post_content, $findtext2)!== false)) {
          if ($count ==1) {
            echo 'List of Posts containing "'.$findtext1.'" and "'.$findtext2.'"';
          } ?>
          <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></p>
        } //if (strpos
    wp_reset_query();  // Restore global post data stomped by the_post().

    I just kept the search query simple like you said ‘s’ => ‘%a%’, and I have a lot of posts that start with a or contain a, so something should have been returned.

    By the way, I’m showing this in single.php

    In single.php I call on this code only when:

    <?php if (in_category('browse-series')) { ?>

    So when there’s a post in browse-series, it will then try to fetch the specific keywords. The existing code on my site (MichaelH’s working code without the search string) gets the keywords from a custom field in the post which I get like this:

    $seriestitle = get_post_meta($post->ID, $title, true);
    	$findtext1 = $seriestitle;

    Any ideas? Right now with the existing working code it’s taking a very long time trying to sort through the query (it takes 4-8 seconds to get what I want even with DB Cache activated). If I could sort it with search like you suggested I feel it’ll really improve the speed.

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    MichaelH, maybe I could contact you directly via email or chat (Google Talk or Skype?) to get some help on this. I could reimburse you for your time

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    Sorry I mean is there a way to throw in the search args into your code Michael? I tried this but it didn’t work

    // display post title for any post that has both $findtext1 and $findtext2 in the post content
    $findtext1 = 'Welcome';
    $findtext2 = 'first';
    $args = array(
    's' => '%Something%+%Here%',
    'exact' => true
    $my_query = null;
    $my_query = new WP_Query($args);
    if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
      while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post();
        if ( (strpos($post->post_content, $findtext1)!== false) && (strpos($post->post_content, $findtext2)!== false)) {
          if ($count ==1) {
            echo 'List of Posts containing "'.$findtext1.'" and "'.$findtext2.'"';
          } ?>
          <p><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></p>
        } //if (strpos
    wp_reset_query();  // Restore global post data stomped by the_post().

    Of course the words Something Here were actually words I knew should return results but I couldn’t get anything to show up. Any help would be appreciated…

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    Thanks Michael and t31

    Micahel, I tried to use the new search $args that T provided with the existing code you gave me, but I couldn’t get anything to show up.

    Can you please revise your code so instead of searching all the queries it just tries to return the search results? I could spend all day on it and not figure it out myself ?? I think this would also improve the speed a lot. Thanks again!

    Thread Starter fusiongt


    Michael you rock! It’s working great. However, one minor thing and that is this part:

    if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
    echo ‘List of Posts containing “‘.$findtext1.'” and “‘.$findtext2.'”‘;

    It shows the text even if there are no posts (I tried adding some gibberish $findtext1 and $findtext2 and it didn’t have any results except the echo statement still showed).

    Could you help me with that? Thanks!

    I like it, but it’s a bit hard to read. I’d say bump up the gray text just a little brighter.

    Also your server was a bit laggy, might want to look into that.

    13 years of experience? That’s 1994… wow. I started in 1997 and I thought that was old. In 1994 I couldn’t imagine doing web design with my 486.

    Anyways, that guy is stubborn and lives to be validated.

    Nice site design and I like the super large RSS feed heh

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