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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email CoAuthor On Post] Problems with Email CoAuthor On PostThere are no redirects… and in the left menu there is only emailcoautor on post without other subheadings. The only way to run the configuration is the initial link, but as I said, it doesn’t work.
Do you want me to give you access to the site so you can see exactly what happens? Leave me your email that I send you the login details… if you want.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email CoAuthor On Post] Problems with Email CoAuthor On PostI don’t think that’s the problem: it’s true that the test installation I did under wp… but the official installation is done on the root directory of the site where I actually have to install the plugin:
And it still doesn’t work.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email CoAuthor On Post] Problems with Email CoAuthor On PostNo Danny: The message asks you to configure the plugin, and that’s fine. Only if I click on the “configure” then it gives me critical error and does not make me do the configuration.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Email CoAuthor On Post] Problems with Email CoAuthor On PostHi Denny, thankyou for you reply. The message are:
“email Author On Post” needs to be?configured?before it can be used. Please correct the configuration before having the plugin sending email.
Si è verificato un errore critico sul tuo sito web. Controlla la casella di posta dell’amministratore del sito per istruzioni.
I saw you posted an update online 38 minutes ago, thank you. But nothing has changed unfortunately: at the moment I installed it on a site other than the one where I have to install it, to avoid creating problems to the site.
The error that gives is a generic “critical error” that does not lead to the configuration of the plugin.
If you want I’ll give you access to the correct site so you can see too.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] tmptitle error – loghi, this user was authorized … he is the main one, he has always been authorized!
PaoloForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Google Analytics Counter Tracker] Great information providedhello Denny,
I wonder if by chance you plan to update the plugin “Email CoAuthor On Post” or if the project is gone for good.
I ask because I use your plugins regularly for some time but does not work as it should: the links to article and blog will not appear on the emails sent!
I thank you for your answer.
Paolo from Italy
https://www.oblo.itForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryOk. thank you. I hope to resolve this issue because it would make me very comfortable to work as at the beginning: the photos do not currently charge them and then I then I put them in the manual. Before instead he did everything myself … and it was fantastic.
If you want to see what I can get you an account on the site, just say it!
Then, as soon as I can, I your provider and make a small donation to thank not only the work but also for your kind assistance availability.
Thank youForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryHello, but the site must have a gallery or not? Let me explain: Postie creates a gallery on their own (perhaps linked to the single post), or is supported by a gallery already prepared?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryHi Wayne, i have send the mail…
ciao!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryHello Wayne,
no do not use any gallery. But today, however, I view something strange: if the mail is sent from my GMAIL account the plugin finds the pictures and puts them in the “gallery” that creates directly.
If, however, comes from the mail window (for example: [email protected]) the plugin found exclusively image in evidence but can not find the other pictures to be included in the gallery.The emails are all authorized. And, when I installed pllugin postie worked perfectly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryYes: WP 4.7 and Postie 1.8.22… setting in html mode
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryHi Wayne… the problem are not solved… ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] link problem in the confirmation emailthanks for responding so quickly…
but why some notifications contain all links and some not? If the problem was what you say, you correct me if I’m wrong, should do the same forever and instead is not so!
Example whit error:
Maria Stefanoni,
Ti comunichiamo che su Oblò.it è stato pubblicato un articolo che riteniamo possa essere di Tuo interesse.Il titolo è:
Il link è:Sperando di aver fatto cosa gradita Ti ringraziamo per la collaborazione e cordialmente salutiamo.
La Redazione di Oblò.it
Example whitout error:
Silvia Palermo,
Ti comunichiamo che su Oblò.it è stato pubblicato un articolo che riteniamo possa essere di Tuo interesse.Il titolo è: Arrivano le avventure di Billy il Koala, al cinema dal 31 marzo!
Il link è: di aver fatto cosa gradita Ti ringraziamo per la collaborazione e cordialmente salutiamo.
La Redazione di Oblò.it
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] image not added in galleryYes, i have updated WordPress and other plugin. I have also update Postie
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Postie] upload images attachedperdonami ma la traduzione non è stata buona.
il problema è questo: Postie deve trovare le immagini e i documenti allegati alla mail che viene spedita e, in modo automatico, li carica nell’area “media” del blog.
Quando ho fatto la installazione questo succedeva: l’articolo era completo, aveva anche tutte le immagini (e i documenti) allegati, i files allegati erano tutti caricati nell’area “media” del mio sito/blog.
Ora invece Postie questo non lo fa più: carica il testo perfettamente, carica la prima immagine come “immagine in evidenza” ma non carica più gli altri files allegati.
Il plugin mi sembra caricato correttamente.
Non capisco a cosa è dovuto questo problema
Spero di avere spiegato meglio tutto. Grazie