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  • Thread Starter fwdcar


    Hello @fabiorino,

    Nope, not to me you haven’t. I’ve had one exchange with you back on 5/12/16 regarding image sizes:

    Can you post a link?

    I tried searching for a discussion on the topic before I posted but didn’t find anything. (wordpress support searches can be difficult).


    not that i’m aware of. The only db versioning I’ve seen is in the table wp_blog_versions, but that just shows the current db version for the blogs.

    Hi Mishaua,

    There’s a ticket that was opened for it but it still shows a status of ‘awaiting review’:
    Hopefully someone will see review it soon.

    Interesting about your sites without the issue. Perhaps you can add the specifics (if there are any) to the ticket in hopes of helping better identify the source of the bug to whomever reviews the ticket.

    I tried 4.7.1 and the problem still exists…

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by fwdcar.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by fwdcar.

    Hi there,

    I Found this thread while looking for a related solution.

    There has been some additional posts added to the thread referenced above by @amibe at

    Particularly this post:

    The workaround for what appears to be some multi-site password / token issues in 4.7 seems to be pointing to problem that was introduced with the 4.7 code.

    Perhaps you all can verify that the simple act of adding a junk-filled WP_SITEURL to wp-config fixes your problems as well?


    Update: Hey wade, after reading that section that you posted from github again, it appears it’s what you should do if you want ‘Domain/Sub-domain flexibility’. Not sure what it means, and they do indicate that ‘You’ll likely need some server configuration outside of WordPress to help with this…’. So, it appears at first glance it’s another way to configure multi-network.
    In either event, perhaps the security vulnerability of using HTTP_HOST is limited to certain usage. I only know that I’ve read a few times that using it was unsecure. Here’s the link to the codex that talks about it: Scroll down to the WP_SITEURL section and check it out. I also remember reading about it on other sites as well.


    Hi Wade…A couple of things….
    First, great that you can confirm my findings…I hope that someone from WordPress will read the thread and figure out what’s up with the code.
    Secondly, I too am using multi-‘network’. I’m using this plugin:
    If you click on that link and look at the ‘installation’, is says to comment out the ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’ line. The GitHub link you posted also says this in the ‘Installation’ section just above what you posted.

    I’m thinking maybe they were just showing what it looks like before the change? I don’t know, but it is confusing. For what it’s worth, mine is commented out per the installation instruction on the plugin site.

    This is what the multisite section of my wp-config looks like:

    /* Multisite */
    define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );
    define('MULTISITE', true);
    define('SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL', false);
    /* define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '');*/
    define('PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/');
    define('SITE_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);
    define('BLOG_ID_CURRENT_SITE', 1);

    Hope this helps….

    Thanks Wade….

    When you get a chance, can you confirm my findings and see if it solves your #2 problem as well?

    Remove your

    define( 'WP_HOME', '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );

    and change your WP_SITEURL to:

    define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘USELESS-JUNK’ );

    Thanks again…

    been dabbling a bit trying to figure out why setting these defines fixes the logout problem.

    Found out that I can also fix it by just adding this one line to wp-config.php:

    define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘USELESS-JUNK’ );

    Yep, setting wp_siteurl to anything will fix the logout issue described by @wadegibson.

    So, something is going on in the code.

    @wadegibson can you unresolve this thread?

    Hello wadegibson and other’s. I remember reading a while back about the security vulnerabilities with using HTTP_HOST. A quick search came up with this from the codex:

    NOTE: HTTP_HOST is created dynamically by php based on the value of the HTTP HOST Header in the request, thus possibly allowing for file inclusion vulnerabilities. SERVER_NAME may also be created dynamically. However, when Apache is configured as UseCanonicalName “on”, SERVER_NAME is set by the server configuration, instead of dynamically. In that case, it is safer to user SERVER_NAME than HTTP_HOST.
    I am experiencing the same thing that wadegibson is (#1 logout issues). I believe this is related to the new .php file class-wp-user-meta-session-tokens.php in the includes directory – it’s new and deals with the tokens. It’s 100% reproducible. Copy 4.6 files to the core and everything is fine…copy the 4.7 files to the core and it’s broken.

    This is clearly a ‘4.7 with multisite turned on’ issue and should be addressed in the code with an emergency fix release.

    We should remove the ‘resolved’ from this thread as the HTTP_HOST solution should only be considered a workaround at this point – and, according to much discussion, an insecure one at that.

    I hope you all agree.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by fwdcar.

    Well, I don’t want to go tooooo far out on a limb here…:) but, I think this entire and its related site IDs of zero has been solved/fixed with 1.8.1.

    I went in and messed around quite a bit with updating networks in some strange ways, and it all seemed to perform as expected…i.e., no orphaned sites.

    If no one disagrees, go ahead and feel free to ‘solve’ this issue. (I’m not sure how to do that).

    I am not aware of any other current plugins that do this. There was another, however if I remember correctly when I looked at it is was very old and appeared to be essentially discontinued.

    agreed…it concerns me too.

    Thanks…that’s is good to know. The good news is that I rarely have to edit networks. I sure wish that an update appears for this plugin soon…I would myself feel more comfortable about its long-term stability and availability.

    Thread Starter fwdcar


    hmmmm…ok. I’m not sure what’s going on then. I’ll have to look into it further.
    thanks again.

    Thread Starter fwdcar


    thanks for reply. I just gave that a try and specified the resolution of one of the existing images hoping it would use that one. it didn’t, it created another image with that resolution with a different file name, even though one already existed. It sure seems a shame that all these pics were created during the upload and they’re not useable. Your plugin is not alone btw, I use some siteorign plugins and they have the same problem. I assume this must be a wordpess limitation?


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