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  • Might want to try launching browser and opening private window (Firefox or Safari) or incognito window (Chrome). Should avoid disk cache.

    Thread Starter fwunder


    The excellent support staff @ Themes & Co. once again came through with the solution – quite brilliantly. Adding the following filter to my child theme functions.php:

    add_filter('tc_colophon_left_block', 'add_html_above_socials');
    function add_html_above_socials( $_html ){
      $my_html = sprintf('<span class="my_social_title">%s</span>',
                __('Follow us', 'customizr-child')
      return str_replace( '<span', $my_html.'</span', $_html);

    And to my child them style.css

    .my_social_title {
        display: block;
        color: #000;
        font-size: 11px;

    This created a block (display: block;) in the colophon left block position and above the icons. As I said…brilliant.

    Thread Starter fwunder


    Thanks d4z_c0nf. The site is under development (password) right now, so no link. Soon. Development is going fast with Customizr.

    Thanks for the rules comment. Yeah, sloppy copy/pasting coding. I just grabbed the block from .social-block a in tc_common.css. Cleaned up a bit:

    .share-social-block a {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
        font-size: 1.4em !important;
        padding-right: 13px;
        width: inherit;

    I used similar method here on a twenty twelve child. Customizr made it simple with its action hooks.

    In your child theme style.css I would add:

    h1.entry-title {
    /* change size to whatever works for you */
        font-size: 24px;
    Thread Starter fwunder


    Yes, you are correct. For my particular situation my solution works well. It was a little tricky because I wanted to maintain a larger logo and reduce the width of .nav-collapse. I ended up moving .nav-collapse and .btn-navbar down from the top @ 979 as not to be behind larger logo. The zindexes of the header elements are tricky.

    Your code gives me some additional tools.

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter fwunder


    Yes, thank you. Excellent solution!

    Thread Starter fwunder


    Answering my own question…this seemed to work pretty well for me.

    Perhaps it will help others?

    @media screen and (max-width: 978px) {
    .nav-collapse, .nav-collapse.collapse {
        width: 50%;
       } {
            display:    none;
    .tc-header .brand {
        float: left !important;
        padding-left: 10px;
        position: relative !important;
        margin: 0 !important;
        text-align: left;
        width: 80%;
        z-index: 2;
    .tc-header .outside {
        display: none !important;
    .navbar-wrapper {
        float: none !important;
    .navbar-wrapper {
        position: relative;
        z-index: 1;
    Thread Starter fwunder


    Yes. That would work. Thanks.

    Edit: I should qualify that there is “desktop” (980+), sticky desktop, mobile and sticky mobile.

    I’m not sure where all the media query breaks happen, but on iPhone/ipad portrait and iPhone landscape, mobile sticky-enabled header would be the most attractive.

    Thanks again.

    Thread Starter fwunder


    Fixed by:

    add_filter( 'wpseo_twitter_card_type', 'change_card_type', 20 );
    function change_card_type(  ) {
    	return 'summary';

    added to child theme functions.php

    Thread Starter fwunder


    It does help. Thank you.

    Seems a static 404 file might help too. At least with the crazy cpu rates the built in 404 seems to eat up when getting slammed with non-existent page requests.

    Thanks again and great work!

    Thread Starter fwunder


    Thanks for the quick response Paul!

    Yes, that worked, blocking me from logging in. Thanks.

    Next question:

    I am getting hit with “plugin scans”. It appears (via my csf Apache Status alerts) that my site is occasionally being flooded for requests for plugins that do not exist.

    GET /wp-content/plugins/woopra/tags/…
    GET /wp-content/plugins/open-flash-chart-core-wordpress-plugin/…
    GET /wp-content/plugins/woopra/tags/1.4.2/inc/php-ofc-library/…

    etc, etc.

    Will WordPress Simple Firewall help with that?

    Thanks for any info.


    So, so sorry. My problem was my problem and may explain others having the same. photocrati_ajax was dequeued in child theme’s functions.php.

    I believe this had been done to keep legacy nextgen scripts and styles from loading on every page. There were quite a few tutorials floating around on deregistering nextgen scripts and styles except on pages where it was being used.

    Sorry and have a great day.

    Same problem here. Critical failure as there seems to be no workaround.

    “You browser doesn’t have Flash, Silverlight, HTML5, or HTML4 support.”

    WordPress 4.0 — NextGen Version

    Console error:

    ReferenceError: photocrati_ajax is not defined
    plupload_options.url = photocrati_ajax.url;

    Thread Starter fwunder


    “…well, I guess we might be having a communication issue unfortunately, but I guess it is out of our hands now anyway because now it is in Esmi’s hands actually and the wordpress community. If the wordpress community contacts us and asks us to take out the link, then we will be forced to also have to take out most of the powerful features in the free version to offset the price loss there…”

    I should know better than to do this but now you just pissed me off.

    The statement you made above reveals that you expect people will either use your software without giving you credit or paying you for it. So, basically, you do not trust the open source community. Sounds like you function within very closed society. That’s too bad.

    That’s just plain wrong.

    See ya…

    Thread Starter fwunder


    “…are you saying that if the link was loosely appended to the footer of your page then you would be okay with it?…”

    We must be having a language problem. ??

    I’m pretty sure that’s what zappyone and I have both been suggesting. Even better, because I know you believe in and trust the WordPress community would be to simply specify a footer link just like “Powered by WordPress” cannot be removed without purchase.

    Hope that helps.

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