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Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [BackUpWordPress] Pages were hackedI’m also curious about this issue, and would appreciate you guys posting a follow up here or in the appropriate support forum.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Enable Media Replace] Not compatible with WordPress 3.5's new media managerJason, your browser cached the image and because the uploaded file had the same file name, you did not see the new file right away. Don’t forget to empty your browser cache to see the changes.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Enable Media Replace] Not compatible with WordPress 3.5's new media managerThanks for the fix Elizabeth!
I can verify that your solution worked for us as well.
Hopefully Mans will see this and update the plugin. Personally I include this plugin in all my WordPress sites, and I would love to see this feature in core.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google CSE] [Plugin: Google CSE] Link ends up with "?s=[search term]"Uli,
The genesis framework requires you to use hooks and filters to modify your search page template, rather than directly editing the search.php template
Bill Erikson has some great tutorials on his site, and you may be able to hire him to help you customize your genesis search results.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google CSE] [Plugin: Google CSE] Link ends up with "?s=[search term]"Uli,
This code is specific to our search.php template, but you should be able to get the gist from it:this goes within the loop:
$theUrl = $post->guid;
then where we want to display the title as a link, and beneath it the actual url, we do this:
echo '<div class="search-title-wrapper"><a href="'.$theUrl.'" ><h4>'. strip_tags($post->post_title, '<sup><sub>' ) .'</h4></a></div>'; echo '<p><a href="'.$theUrl.'" >'.$theUrl.'</a></p>';
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google CSE] [Plugin: Google CSE] Link ends up with "?s=[search term]"I had this same problem and was able to fix it by modifying my search.php template.
Instead of using get_post_permalink() (or the_permalink()) I use $post->guid.I agree with Erik, it looks like the permalink filter is not functioning properly. My approach is certainly a work-around, but it solves this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google CSE] Search results pagination problemErik,
I’m experiencing this same issue with paginated search results. The first page of the query returns 10 results, but the pagination links all result in 404 errors. I think this happens because our Google CSE returns several hundred results, but our default WordPress query for the same term returns fewer results. Consequently, when we try to load a search results page greater than the max number of pages in the default query, we get a 404 error.As far as I can tell, your plugin is the only one out there that integrates the google cse results with the wp_query, which is exactly what we want to do. I really like your approach and want to help make it work.
Let me know if I could be any use fixing this bug. your hard work is appreciated.-gabe
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mage Enabler] Mage Enabler – Any Sample SitesI am just wrapping up work on a site for a Canadian record label. We are using WordPress with Mage Enabler.
https://camobeardigital.comI found Mage Enabler to be very easy to use and extremely helpful.
On the home page of the site, we are pulling in products from a ‘featured’ category in Magento. We also have some ‘deal’ widgets that pull in a single item from a promotion category. The client can swap these widgets out as they like.On interior pages of the site, we are pulling in products from a few different categories, and in some cases, by product SKU. It’s all integrated into the WordPress CMS so all the client has to do is enter a category ID or SKU.
Once in the Magento store, I pulled in the WordPress menus using this handy technique:
I haven’t tried to pull in the Magento session to the WordPress site, I guess that’s a challenge for the future.Thanks for all your hard work and the excellent support you offer for this plugin.
Reading through mage enabler threads I have found a couple references to this conflict, and found that disabling the Magento function was in fact the standard approach. I just wonder if there is a way to do this without editing the core magento files?
here’s the error I was getting full text:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare __() (previously declared in /home1/camobear/public_html/test_store/blog/wp-includes/l10n.php:96) in /home1/camobear/public_html/test_store/app/code/core/Mage/Core/functions.php on line 93I was able to prevent the error by putting the magento function in a conditional, like this:
if (!function_exists('__')) { function __() { return Mage::app()->getTranslator()->translate(func_get_args()); } }
I’m pretty sure I got that from your blog.