Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] Title Output@mikes41720 Thank you for responding.. I had to disable the plugin, because the site is live.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. Before I submitted this post, I did all the mentioned steps above, Except for changing themes.
I do believe their is a conflict with the theme and plugin, but not sure where. The only code in my header file is:
<head> <?php if (is_search()) { ?> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> <?php } ?> <meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" > <title> <?php // WordPress custom title script // is the current page a tag archive page? if (function_exists('is_tag') && is_tag()) { // if so, display this custom title echo 'Tag Archive for "'.$tag.'" - '; // or, is the page an archive page? } elseif (is_archive()) { // if so, display this custom title wp_title(''); echo ' Archive - '; // or, is the page a search page? } elseif (is_search()) { // if so, display this custom title echo 'Search for "'.wp_specialchars($s).'" - '; // or, is the page a single post or a literal page? } elseif (!(is_404()) && (is_single()) || (is_page())) { // if so, display this custom title wp_title(''); echo ' - '; // or, is the page an error page? } elseif (is_404()) { // yep, you guessed it echo 'Not Found - '; } // finally, display the blog name for all page types bloginfo('name'); ?> </title> <!-- html5.js for IE less than 9 --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <!-- css3-mediaqueries.js for IE less than 9 --> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE]> <style type="text/css"> .timer { display: none !important; } div.caption { background:transparent; filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#99000000,endColorstr=#99000000);zoom: 1; } </style> <![endif]--> <?php wp_head(); ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/globals.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/typography.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/grid.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/ui.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/forms.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/mobile.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/css/stylesheet.css" media="all"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" media="all"/> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo get_option('lbd_favicon'); ?>" type="image/x-icon" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css">.accordion{margin:50px}.accordion dt{background:#454545}.accordion dt,.accordion dd{padding:10px;border:1px solid black;border-top:0}.accordion dt:first-child{border-top:1px solid black}.accordion dt a{display:block;color:white;font-weight:700}.accordion dd{border-top:0;background:#f0f0f0;font-size:12px}</style> </head>
I don’t have any other code dealing with the header or theme support. So not sure where the conflict would be.
Thank you for responding.. I am admin.. right now its on local env.. but I get the same everywhere else.
I created a screenshot
I used all WP default themes and still not showing up.
I don’t see it.. I have one plugin installed and I deactivated and still don’t see the option.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [WP BASIC SEO META] Nice, but…yeah, I quickly wrote this for a use case, and didn’t think about that at the time. I will update this shortly. Thank you for you feed back.
Thank you for you comments. @alhadis, I will be making an update shortly. @darkhorse20 If you are having issues rename the file to have a single extension. Like “jquerymmenu.css. The plugin separates the file name by the period to find the extension, then loops through array of file types allowed. I will be making a update to change this and allow for multiple filetypes with a file name. Like “jquery.ui.css”
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: 4templates – WP00902 – slideshow and text editingDo you have a demo we can look at?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page search results displays post title but NO postTry doing a database repair.. Not sure who else you can ask.. People on the forum have to want to or know how to fix the problem.. I work with wordpress daily, but Im more of a hands on person.
here is a link about database repair for wordpress.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page search results displays post title but NO postCan you switch themes and do a search to see if it’s the theme that is causing the issue and not WP or the database.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Page search results displays post title but NO postThis may sound stupid but do you have duplicate post ids?
slug = new-article = post-id?=99
slug = new-article = post-id?=100so when you search, for “new article” you get post-id 100 instead of post-id 99.
Just a thought.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Links not working – permalink broken?Sounds like A. you are part of a network install with limited permission. B. Who ever created your wordpress may have removed these functions for you.
Possible solutions:
1. FTP into your hosting account and rename the “.htaccess” file to “.htaccess.tmp” This will remove the apache directives file temporarily to see if this is the problem.
2. Contact the network administrator if you are on a WP Network install and ask them to help with trouble shooting or give you more permissions.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Widgets Sidebar Text Color.sidebar { color:#ffffff; }
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Admin Accountrun this query in your phpmyadmin wp_users table. you can change the email to your own email and reset the password.. then login and create a new admin account/
INSERT INTO wp_users (ID,user_login,user_pass,user_nicename,user_email,user_url,user_registered,user_activation_key,user_status,display_name) VALUES ('', 'gabriel', '', 'gabriel', '[email protected]', '', '2014-09-30 03:12:36', '', 0,'gabriel' )
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updated to WP 4.0 and site disappearedlooks like your site is up
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Updated to WP 4.0 and site disappearedFTP into your web hosting account. Check if you have a file with the name “index.html” in the same folder you have “wp-config.php” if so, rename or remove the file “index.html”
If above is not the case, look for a file in the same folder as “wp-config.php” that has the name “.htaccess” rename “.htaccess” to “.htaccess.tmp” This will stop apache from running the directives within this file.
If above is not the case, download WordPress 3.9.1 and upload all files into the same folder as “wp-config.php” except “wp-content” into your web hosting account. Overwrite all files.