Gagan Deep Singh
Forum Replies Created
@okso: Try it with the new release of the plugin and let us know if it still gives the same error.
@okso: Buddy, I had setup a multisite installation(subdirectory structure) and tried to replicate your problem but never got the Notice message you mentioned.
The group support is already in our roadmap for this plugin. Can’t say when it will come but it will be there in the future releases
@okso: Thanks for providing with these reports, about the admin part, its changed since BuddyPress 1.6 and I guess we need to add a way so that activities of bp-media can be easily managed from backend.
About the multisite thing, I guess I need to check it more thoroughly in a multisite environment, which I’ll be doing in the morning(its 1am IST) I’ll keep you updated on the results and fixes we’ll make.
@okso: I tried to re-create the memory problem you faced, I set up a ubuntu server with 256 MB RAM and 1 core, used Apache2(2.2.14) restricting the memory size to be 128MB and uploaded a 350MB file, it didn’t got the error even then, since the getID3 library uses only a few KBs of info(I looked into it in detail) and do not actually parse the entire file, I don’t think its possible for it to cause any Memory Overflow problem. Still I’ll test a few more times with different configurations, in the hope I might find your error.
@okso: Can you please tell me the following things->
- Buddypress Version you are using.
- Other plugins you have activated on your site(with versions).
- What is the configuration of your server(RAM, apache/nginx version+configuration and php.ini file would be great)
Also, I work only with debug mode enabled, I never saw that error.
@okso: I’ll look into it in a virtual machine with the specs you gave, thanks for reporting, will see if there’s anything we can do to help.
Changes done, update the plugin and it will be resolved
Have used getID3 php library for resolving this issue. Update the plugin and it will be resolved.
The warnings were due to the fact that when we add Activities via AJAX requests, those requests does not provide the second argument for the filter function we made. Fixed it by providing a default value to that second argument.
Thanks for reporting. Warnings have been resolved won’t be there there in the next update(may be today).
Thanks for providing me with the file, and sorry for the delayed response(was caught up in work), you don’t need to do anything, the library we used to check the file info is acting a bit weird and giving false negatives, so we’ll be changing that library in a day or two and will update the plugin. Then all your MP4 files will work. ??
Here’s a bit elaborated description of the issue and how we’re gonna solve it
@okso: can you please provide me with the MP4 you have used to upload(for debugging), since I am unable to get any such error with correct codec. I am using a Windows machine and using AnyDVDConverter for encoding the files. I’ve tested the plugin with following formats which are working:
- Video:H.264 Audio:MP3
- Video:H.264 Audio:AAC
- Video:H.264 No Audio
and found the plugin to be working fine with these.
‘the MP4 file you have uploaded is using an unsupported video codec. Supported video codec is H.264’
We currently have added only the MP4 file support with H.264 codec; the file you are uploading must be using some other codec, so its not working. The reason we did that is because HTML5 is compatible with that codec only.