Gaia Clary
Forum Replies Created
I am not sure why the plugin would need to query all users every time it is called. I mean we never see all of the user data in one page anyways. So i hope that the entire query can be avoided or stripped down at least to only retrieve the really relevant content for the given task?
We have about 4000 users, so we may suffer from the same issue. However i meanwhile also found that the groups plugin from itthink causes similar issues, so that when we disable either groups or wpas, then the admin page response gets better, and when we disable both plugins then admin pages show in less than a second.
However as soon as we have both plugins enabled, we see the slowdown of the admin pages again (20-30 seconds). It would be extremely convenient if this issue could be fixed somehow.
Gaiai have changed the role settings so that only the capabilities as you mentioned above are enabled. Now the left admin navigation bar only contains the expected buttons (wpas “Tickets” button). However when the agent calls this page:
then the response is:
“You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
When i additionally enable the capability: “edit_posts” then the agent can enter into the ticket administration pages but also gets access to other admin areas.
However, i meanwhile suspect that the problem is not related to wpas itself. I start to believe that another plugin requires the edit_posts capability and clashes somehow with what wpas wants to do.
these are the capabilities that i have added to the role “Ticket Syupport” (that role has been assigned to our agents). However i am not sure if all those capabilities belong to the wpas plugin:
edit_posts (needed to get full power to the agent)
delete_private_ticketI have installed firebug and there i used “net” to see how long it takes to get files from the server. I noticed that whenever i call a page in the admin area, then the very first call takes 10-15 seconds. Here are 2 images from my browser screen:
1.) file load times for “Create a new Blog Page”:
2.) file load times for calling the wpas-admin page
Note: the ajax error page does not show up every time. When i call the ticket pages a second time, then it loads without the ajax error. However the long load time only goes away when i disable wpas.
When i logout from wordpress and call the blog pages as a normal (read only) user, then the load times are typically below 2 seconds.
I am eager to help finding this issue but i would need some guideance for how to dig deeper into this. I also can provide more information if that helps.
thanksHere is a screenshot of my Dashboard side panel
I expected to see one more button named “Support Tickets” but this button does not show up.
The problem seems to be that the relationship between wp_term_taxonomy and wp_terms is not one to one. Actually in my case the query:
select * from wp_term_taxonomy where term_id in (62,541);
returned 3 items (2 from the “categories” taxonomy and one from the “menu_nav” taxonomy)
I could solve this problem by modifying the search.php (near line98) as follows:
if ($row['field'] == 'id') { $id = $row['terms']; $term_id = $id; if (is_array($id)) { $id = implode(',', $id); } $term_tax_id = $wpdb->get_col( "SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_id IN ($id) and taxonomy='category'"); }
I am not sure if that breaks something else or restricts the search otherwise. But maybe that can help to sort out a more general solution ?
Ok, so our admin found what was changed in a backup file. We have added the patch to the Ninja 1.3.2 plugin now and it works again!!!
Maybe you can think about adding the functionality into the official Ninja plugin ??
In basic-function.php:
function ninja_pages_archives_include_pages( $query ) { global $wp_query; $options = get_option('ninja_pages_options'); //Don't break admin or preview pages. if ( isset( $options['add_archives'] ) && $query->is_main_query() ) : if( is_category() || is_tag() ) : if ($query->is_feed) { // Do feed processing here. } else { $post_type = get_query_var( 'post_type' ); if ( !empty( $post_type ) ) { $post_type = $post_type; } else { $post_type = array('post', 'page'); } $query->set( 'post_type' , $post_type ); // =========================================== // Sort Archive pages by menu order ascending // Modified for machinimatrix Blog // =========================================== $query->set( 'orderby' , 'menu_order' ); $query->set( 'order' , 'ASC' ); } endif; endif; return $query; }
I was afraid about that something like that is the problem. Actually while reading your answer i had a “deja vue” from a year ago. It can well be that someone here has modified wordpress to actualy support the ordering of archive pages. So then this modification must have been removed by one of the recent updates…
I can report here when i found how to do that.
Thanks for taking care and pointing me into the right direction!Hi. thanks for the quick answer!
Here is what i did:
– I deactivated and deleted the 1.3.2 plugin,
– I downloaded the 1.3.1 zip file from
– I unzipped and added the folder into the workdpress plugin directory
– finally activated ninja again.By now i also tried a couple of themes but all of them give me the order by release date and do not care about the order value in the page attributes.
Can you give me a hint where exactly i should start to look for what is broken ?
I now see that stepping back to plugin version 1.3.1 does not help fixing that particular issue. I have even disabled all other plugins and the issue remains. So maybe it is a wordpress problem at the end ? I am clueless.