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  • Forum: Localhost Installs
    In reply to: Updating PHP

    Hey AnyName99,

    Had another answer ready to publish but our internet connection went down. Have no idea where it went.

    Short version… Read the info “PHP Compatibility Checker – By WP Engine” – a plugin offered here on

    You may not want/need to update your local WP development until you consider this plugin and information. One of my staff brought this up at coffee-break just after I published my previous comments. Lively coffee-break it was!

    Not every hosting company is totally up to date with their versions of utilities.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gainers.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gainers.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gainers.
    Forum: Localhost Installs
    In reply to: Updating PHP

    Hey AnyName99, I’m not trying to be rude in any way, but you admit being a newbie (and we all were), and you are are right, you’re not getting it at all.

    What you keep insisting on is like insisting that a car company tell you how to fix your TV. (you are new, so trust these folks… it ain’t their first rodeo)

    Follow Mr Stern’s (very appropriate answer) and go to the Desktop Server website. You should find what you want/need from the correct support desk of the product in question.

    Login in to your Account -> From your Account page, click the Support Page Tab, and do the dropdowns…Preimum or Limited, Version Number, OS, Select Topic (has never had any choices in my experience), and ask your question in the Messsage area.

    The answer to your specific question might not be here either, but they will point you in the right direction. Yes, the folks here at and at ServerPress (DesktopServer) really do want your success and satisifaction. They are both big in this part of the industry and growing based on good service first, and yes, providing a good product.

    The speed of your return answer may depend on which version you have (Limited or Preimum). I’ve always had the Preimum (paid) version and it is scary fast and accurate support but I understand that the Limited (free) version questions may be answered a bit slower than questions from folks that paid… understandable.

    Hope this helps… truly not trying to be rude mainly because we have all been newbies at some time or other and the way the reality of the tech-world a lot of times it is not what we (hoped) or think it “should” be.

    My newbie times were over 35 years ago and while a huge ton of things have changed big time, one thing has not changed is the learning-curve frustration and getting the answers you thing you want. I’m right there with you on my current project. For the moment I’m the newbie on a different level (and my answers are coming hard and slow on this project). Hasn’t changed in 35 years and I’ve come to expect it, want it, and enjoy it cause it’s great when I get it!

    Best of Luck – Hang in there

    Hey, keep us up to date with your success on this (PHP) step. Be fun to read!

    Upward and onward!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gainers.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gainers.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Gainers.

    Hi AziFarooqi
    I too am new and have the same question, how to successfully upload a local InstantWordPress site to the hosting site. InstantWordPress and Duplicator were so easy I bought the ebook for the answer to yours and my question – not – I don’t think it works or at least the way the author implies. Can’t find anyone here that can answer either (have you?) Author doesn’t semm to answer emails.

    Thankx in advance

    Hi Olyuk
    I think I understand what you are asking and your consern regarding the database structure is where my problems and conserns “seems” to be also (“seems” as I am a newbie to the WordPress arena). I have had a hosted WordPress site for about 3 weeks and decided that working on it locally would be a great benifit.

    I have followed installation of InstantWordPress, and Duplicator EXACTLY and am succcessfully running my WordPress site on my local Windows7 machine. I bought the reccommended ebook and followed all steps exactly. I cannot upload. Database errors.

    I haven’t worked with datebases in years but here is a “fly-over” of what I think I’m seeing and it may help sort out your questions as it seems like if you FTP the correct files up or down WordPress doesn’t mind if you get (all) the right ones.

    When running the InstantWordPress/Duplicator in an existing – online WordPress site and setting it up on the local machine, the documentation says to name the MySql – “wordpress” with a user name of “root” and with no password.

    I installed WordPress on my hosting account using SimpleScripts and the database naming/user/password is a function done behind the scenes and quite sure MySql is installed with a very different set of database naming (not “wordpress” for the data base name, not “root” for the user name and probably provides a system passsword). So now uploading my updated site and content, the database information does not match. Or am I missing someting??

    If/Once I get the Duplicator to work – uploading – tracking what it is doing and with what files may provide a FTP process. Agreed – faster – but I will settle for Duplicator to work (for now). Can you help? (I tried writing the author – different subject – about a week ago and no answer)


    Hi JustACodeMonkey (and esmi)
    It’s been 10 months since you posed the InstantWordPress question regarding “good for beginners”. I just started using it a week ago. I have not had a problem at all with any aspect except two items. 1-After buying the ebook and following it exactly, all things work without a flaw — except updating from the local to the online site. Seems to be an anticipated problem as the author offers workarounds right in his own book. It appears to me that the logic in the step-by-step process is an incomplete sequence. IE regarding the download as a process for an existing site where the upload is instructions for a new site only existing locally. Databases don’t match up. This seems to be what many are running into. ebook seems to be out of date. 2- I’ve written the author (on other subject) about a week ago and no answer yet. Side Note: wish he would have run spell check before publishing – looks unprofessinal (espically for a teacher)

    Hi Gomango

    I am happy to hear someone that has success using InstantWordPress. I downloaded, installed on a working WordPress site, created a local site, modified/added content without so much as a problem of any kind. So clean and easy I felt buying the book and following the setp-by-step instructions would be the fastest, easiest, most accurate method of updating the online website. I found the ebook vauge and incomplete in the logic but followed it to the “T” anyhow. After a few days I find two things. 1-I have read and followed the ebook exactly. 2- You seem to be the only person that I have found that is successful using InstantWordPress to go back and forth between online and offline. Any hints or help would be much appriciated. I would write the author but I wrote him about a week ago (different matter) and have not received a reply although he took my money for the ebook “instantly”.

    Hi Shinjing

    I too have the similar challenge. Different as I did not do any manual entry to wp-config.php and I did not receive any error messages. My address bar reads…


    browser screen is blank

    OS=Win7 (up to date with all SP’s and Updates)
    XAMP Ver=1.7.1 (No erreor during install or use)
    Wordpress Ver=3.4.2

    Thank you

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