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  • Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hey @thecrazytourist!

    Thank you so much for the info and for offering the “tour” on your site’s backend. I think that won’t be necessary. Just a quick update from me:
    We are preparing a possible fix right now and will run it through thorough tests next. Please hang in there, we’ll come back with more details after we’re finished with those.

    Talk to you soon, have a nice weekend!


    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hello @edoswald!

    Haha, yeah, “Just a small spritz and those pesky overlays are gone!”. You are very welcome. Happy to hear that it worked.

    Listen, I know this isn’t the perfect solution to your problem, with a shiny UI option and all, but if you liked my support and would nonetheless consider putting a little something in my virtual tip jar, I’d very much appreciate it if you left a short review for our plugin.

    Have a nice weekend! Best


    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hello @edoswald!

    Thank you for your reply. I get it, it’s a reasonable request. I’ll make sure to add it to our list of feature requests so our developers can take a shot at it.

    For a quick stand-in solution, I’d like to offer some custom CSS you can try in order to simply hide the Overlay. It’s not as convenient as a UI option but almost as much. The idea is to assign a custom CSS class to any block element for whose child elements you’d like to have the Overlay be hidden.

    Step 1, place this class declaration in your theme’s Additional CSS:
    .overlay-b-gone span.isc-source-text { display:none !important; }
    Step 2, assign the CSS class overlay-b-gone to said block element

    That’s it! Please test my proposal with care and let me know whether this worked for you.



    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hello @edoswald!

    Thank you for your inquiry. I couldn’t take a look at the beta site you referenced—the server can’t be found—but I hope I was able to glean what you’re trying to achieve from your live site.

    Am I right by reckoning that you’re trying to remove our image credits from decoratively placed copies of images that in other, editorial instances do require them? For example, you would like to disable the image credits for the block of 4 linked images with overlaid text below the headline “How Tos” but keep it enabled on other pages where the images are placed in an editorial context?

    Please tell me if I’m wrong, I would very much love to know exactly what you are trying to accomplish—and why!

    If I assume correctly, your use case is a new one to me. In my understanding, and in our mind throughout development, images that need crediting do so no matter how and where they are placed. Hence, we simply haven’t thought of supporting enabling/disabling the Overlay for certain placements of the same image.

    Nevertheless, your (suspected) request is a valid one. As an ad-hoc solution, you might consider a different approach by deactivating the Overlay and letting Image Source Control automatically inject the “Image source list” with all image sources of that page/post at the bottom of it. Or you could place the “List with all sources” with sources of every single image of your whole website on a dedicated page. Both options are available in the free version of ISC.

    Please let me know whether my assumptions concerning your usage of the plugin hit true and if the proposed alternatives could be viable solutions.



    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hallo Harry!

    Ich erlaube mir, auf Deutsch zu antworten. Vielen Dank für deine Anfrage.

    Uns sind zwei Dinge an deinem Code aufgefallen:

    Zum einen fehlt dem Shortcode der Parameter included="all", somit werden keine Bilder angezeigt, die nicht mit Seiten verbunden sind.
    Zum anderen scheinst du typographische Anführungszeichen hinter der 100 in per_page="100 verwendet zu haben. Falls das tats?chlich dem Stand deines Codes entspricht, k?nnte das zu Problemen beim Parsen des Shortcodes führen. Bitte ersetze sie durch das korrekte Symbol, wie bei den übrigen Vorkommen.

    Entsprechend empfehle ich den Shortcode folgenderma?en umzuarbeiten:
    [isc_list_all included="all" per_page="100" prev_text="<< Vorige Bilder" next_text="Weitere Bilder >>"]

    Bitte lass mich wissen, ob diese Vorschl?ge das Problem beheben.

    Sch?nen Gru?


    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hello @ionutcruso!

    Great, we are happy to hear that! If you’ve got a minute to spare, would you mind leaving a positive review?


    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Hello @ionutcruso!

    Thank you for reaching out to us. We looked into your problem.
    Please note that in this case isc_list() works just as intended when the post contains no images – it returns no markup. The DIV and its content stems from your part of the code and is output unconditionally.
    Nevertheless, we recommend using PHP’s output buffering functionality to achieve what you are trying to accomplish. This is a short snippet you could try:

    	if(function_exists('isc_list')) {
    		$isc_list_tempoutput = ob_get_clean();
    		if(!empty($isc_list_tempoutput)) {
    		<div id="sources_css"> 
    			<input type="checkbox" id="title1" />
    			<label for="title1"><b>Surse imagini</b></label>
    			<div class="content">
    					<?php echo $isc_list_tempoutput; } ?>

    Please test our proposal with care and let us know whether this worked for you.



    Plugin Support Tim Crull


    Thank you so much @cjmedia! Fixing your problem helped us improve our work, we appreciate that.

    – Tim

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