Forum Replies Created
Was this the error then? I’m very beginner
Okay, I already translated
@markwolters Estou a dias tentando, inclusive hoje, sem sem sucesso, n?o deixa finalizar.
Já limpei o cache no painel do wordpress e no cloudflare, mas n?o resolveu. já tentei varias op??es.
O meu painel esta assim.
Eu nao consigo remover esses avisos.
Eu n?o consigo visualizar onde fica essa op??o de “ignorar detec??o SSL” e clicar em “ativar SSL”.
Eu já rastreei varias vezes, e sempre volta como falha no search console.
O site é :
Eu tinha essa op??o marcada:
@ahmedkaludi esse tutorial n?o diz como resolver!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] Web Stories Amp Error and Missing BreadcrumbsBaixei o plugin que indicava, mas n?o funcionou, ainda com erro.
I downloaded the plugin that indicated, but it didn’t work, still with error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] AMP ERRORI downloaded the plugin that indicated, but it didn’t work, still with error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] error amp google webmasterI downloaded the plugin that indicated, but it didn’t work, still with error.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Web Stories] Not a valid Web Story (script amp-onerror)I downloaded the plugin that indicated, but it didn’t work, still with error. This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by gamerbr.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AMP for WP - Accelerated Mobile Pages] Ads not showing ampEstou com o mesmo problema, n?o fiz nenhuma altera??o, e os anúncios pararam de aparecer na vers?o amp do site.