Hi everyone,
here’s another solution, but for Mac users. I was experiencing the same error. I’ve got a theme with a lot of custom functions in its functions.php and found the problem was caused by this file. Here’s what I did:
- Renaming plugin directories one by one and trying to login. If problem still occurs, go on.
- Go back to standard theme. If problem disappears, your theme might be the problem.
- Reactivate your theme and rename functions.php. Reload Login. If the problem disappears you know its the functions.php that causes it.
- Get smultron editor (it’s free), create a new file and set “Line endings” to “Unix” and “Text Encoding” to “UTF-8”
- Now start copying functions from the old functions.php to the new one – one by one. After every single function upload the file and reload the login page. The error should disappear after the first upload.
Some notes: I didn’t code most of the stuff in the functions.php so I wasn’t sure if the problem was based on crappy coding or just encoding problems. It seems it was the latter, but others reported some custom functions won’t work with 3.9. I guess the best way is to check it the way I described above – step by step… For me, it worked ??