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  • I’m not familiar with this “Wonder Blocks”… but there’s probably an option in the the block’s settings to specify the number of posts to display.

    If you can’t figure this out on your own, please get in touch with your hosting provider — Bluehost — for help with this, as this “Wonder Blocks” is from a plugin they provide exclusively to their customers — so we are unable to install this plugin to offer any assistance.

    Good luck!

    Is there a question here?

    Bots and bad actors generally are part of the web. Nothing you can do about that, other than to secure your site to ensure their attacks are not successful — which you seem to be doing pretty well.

    if I put the “.” in the permalink setting to not showing the word “category” in the permalink

    That’s not a documented/official feature supported by WordPress. It’s a hack or trick that people use, and it doesn’t work in several scenarios (including paginated archive pages and sub-category pages).

    So this is not a “bug” or problem to report.

    And I’m sure the smart developers who build the WordPress software have a pretty good reason for adding a prefix in the category permalink. If you want to go against their wisdom and remove the prefix, your only solution is to look for some other trick. Eg most SEO plugins have a feature to remove the category prefix, and there are other tricks out there if you dig in Google.

    Good luck!

    The problem is caused by the Woocommerce plugin…

    All these issues go away when I deactivate Woocommerce…

    The problem is only with WC active.

    I don’t know which “WC Team” you contacted, but I recommend asking at the WooCommerce plugin’s own support forum here at so the plugin’s authors and user community can assist you:

    Good luck!

    You shouldn’t be using multiple caching plugins.

    I would just delete the entire cache folder, and choose one of the plugins going forward.

    Otherwise, report this to the support of the respective plugins.

    W3 Total Cache plugin support:


    Good luck!

    What’s the URL of the page in question?

    I changed the name of my website.

    I’m confused here ??

    Are you referring to the website address – eg

    Or are you really talking website name (called “Site Title” in WordPress)?

    Unfortunately…its not running right yet. I did a search for it and got another company…wtf?!

    What exactly did you search, and where?

    The site health status is reporting that “One or more plugins are not conforming to the consent api”

    This is not from WordPress itself.

    It’s likely from the WP Consent API plugin, and I recommend seeking help from its developer and support community here:

    Good luck!

    Are there any restrictions in selecting a theme? Does a theme have to have specific features/characteristics so that this would work in a easy to use way?


    Virtually ANY theme can do this.

    But you’ll have to build that menu and anchor links yourself, irrespective of which theme you choose. Note theme will build your menu or anchor links for you.

    OK, I took a look at your landing page… and it seems what you wanted to do was to display the post thumbnails (aka featured image) of the individual POSTs embedded on the landing page… rather than inserting images in the landing page itself.

    I’m glad you got it sorted.

    If you have a second to spare, please mark your issue as RESOLVED.

    Thank you.

    This custom plugin is under development that’s giving you errors.

    But you didn’t share any error messages or provide any code snippets.

    I’m not sure how you expect anyone to be able to know what your problem is and assist you.

    Perhaps you can start from here:

    Your screenshot shows you’ve selected te updraft folder on the right.

    But as I explained above in my earlier post, you need to go into the PARENT folder of updraft before you can delete the child folder updraft itself.

    So select the parent folder wp-content on the left. You should then see updraft on the right to delete.

    The Elementor plugin has a dedicated support forum here:

    But the issues you’re facing are very foundational and have nothing to do with the Elementor plugin per se.

    As far as your CSS goes:

    1) The CSS classes you’re targeting single-post and nv-thumb-wrap don’t appear anywhere in the HTML code of the URL you provided, so this selector won’t do anything on the page.

    2) If you’re a learner, avoid the !important flag as much as possible — as it can come back to bite you in more ways than you can ever imagine. Using !important without caution is like killing a wasp with a shotgun: it’s very powerful and can help you fix problems very quickly, but it can also cause unintended effects that can be hard to troubleshoot if you don’t really know your CSS very well.

    I don’t know what you’re studying and what your internship is about, but for the task at hand, you could probably do with some foundational knowledge of HTML, CSS and WordPress.

    anybody have any idea what im doing wrong? or how to set an image for a post in the first place?

    As far as I can tell, the URL you gave is a WordPress PAGE, and not a POST.

    On this PAGE (named “Landingspagina artikelen”), you’ve inserted two POSTs namely, “TEST!” and “Test!2”. The images are inserted on these indidividual POSTs, rather than on the PAGE. So you only see the images when you click the links to the respective POSTs.

    A landing page (for marketing purposes) is usually self-contained. You should insert all the landing page’s content — including the images — on the page itself, rather than creating external posts (or pages) and linking to these. Of course, if you’ve specifically been asked to insert POSTs in your landing page, then that’s a different story.

    Follow this guide to insert an IMAGE directly into your Elementor landing page:

    Aside: You should probably discuss with your supervisor to set up a “safe” place for you to learn and practice, instead of learning on their live site. At the barest minimum, creating these “test” posts on the live site as you’re doing now could mess up their SEO. But it can be worse.

    Good luck!

    This works exactly like the file manager on your personal computer: you can’t delete the folder you’re currently inside. So you need to step outside that Themes-old folder into the parent folder (possibly wp-content), before you can delete this folder in question.

    You can use the “Up One Level” button to navigate into the parent folder so you can delete the child folder. Or use the Plus (+) symbol to expand the folder tree… and select the parent folder on the left (probably wp-content) so the Theme-old will appear on the right (among other folders) for you to delete it.

    First, understand that cPanel File Manager is something provided by your host. While we’ll do our best to assist you here, your host should be the right point of call for assistance with using cPanel.

    If your host provides a modern version of cPanel, there should be multiple ways to delete any file or folder, such as:

    • Select the folder in question and hit the DELETE key on your keyboard
    • Select the folder in question and hit the DELETE button in File Manager’s toolbar (shown below)
    • Right-click on the folder and choose “Delete” in the dialogue box that appears (shown below)

    If you can see these options but the folder doesn’t get deleted, then it’s an ownership/permission issue — and even FTP isn’t going to help with that. Get in touch with your host for assistance.

    Good luck!

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