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  • I’m not sure I 100% understand what you’re saying…

    When you say “WP main menu”, do you mean your site’s navigation menu… or WordPress dashboard menu?

    Your site’s main (header) menu does not load twice for me.

    Could the failed upgrade have caused the sudden massive file bloat or should I be looking at other issues?

    It’s far more likely to be the opposite: the space was already used and there was no available space before you attempted the upgrades… which is why the upgrades failed.

    You need to work with your hosting provider to find out what’s taking up the space, instead of making decisions based on assumptions.

    If your host uses the cPanel hosting control panel, there should be a utility called “Disk Usage” which can give you a report of the sizes of files and folders in your account like the image shown below. If you don’t find such a utility, talk to your hosting provider for help.

    NB: There are WordPress plugins that can show what’s taking space on your site and let you back up your site. But as you’re unable to install any plugin now, that’s a no-go. You can only use tools in your hosting control panel, or get direct assistance from your hosting provider.

    To answer your specific question, the static HTML pages and the WordPress site can co-exist without any issues… with one caveat: where there’s a conflict of URL (exact match), your webserver will load the static file instead of WordPress’ dynamic page.

    And there’s nothing wrong with migrating your static site to WordPress (or any other CMS) in stages, even one page at a time. And as hinted by @ne_zha, you could even decide to keep some of the old stuff permanently as static HTML files… or convert everything to WordPress.

    But rather than setting up a temporary WordPress site, I’ll approach this as follows:

    1) Install the permanent WordPress at the root. You may need to either rename your current homepage file (index.htm) to something else like index-old.htm… or configure your webserver to prefer WordPress’ index.php file over the static index.htm file.

    2) Have a link in your WordPress’ site menu pointing to the old static site. As I mentioned earlier, the two can exist side-by-side even in the same directory without any issues — as long as there are no URL conflicts (which is not likely here, since all your URLs have .htm file extensions, and your WordPress pages will not have these extensions by default).

    3) Convert your HTML pages as time allows (if you prefer to have everything in WordPress)… with no rush… and knowing this is the permanent WordPress site, and not some temporary thing to be migrated again later on. After every conversion, you can delete the old static HTML page from the webserver (of course, you want to keep a local backup) and setup a 301-redirect to the new WordPress page.

    Good luck!

    There’s no theme named “Bloomie” in the official WordPress themes directory here at

    If this is a commercial theme you purchased, please reach out to the theme’s vendor for assistance, as does not distribute or support any commercial themes and plugins (old or new).

    And if you can’t even find the theme on the vendor’s site, chances are it’s been long abandoned, and there may not be any new version available that supports the latest version of WordPress. If this is the case, then your best option is to switch to a new and actively-supported theme.

    Good luck!

    Glad you got this sorted.

    If you have a second to spare, kindly mark your topic as RESOLVED.

    Thank you!

    I’m looking for a plugin for item #3

    Yes, but I need those two pieces of information I asked for to provide specific help (else I’ll have to give a very super-generic guide going over a whole lot of “if-this-then-that” scenarios:

    1) What theme you’re using for your site (because this will affect how you create the custom template)
    2) How exactly you’re adding (or do you intend to add) the event date post metadata?

    What’s the address of the site you need help with?

    I’m looking for a way to display just one page on my site differently from the rest, using that metadata. If you have a specific suggestion that would be great.

    I told you this already: “… you need to add the event date as a custom field or post metadata before you can sort by this date.”

    In a thousand words:

    1) You’ll first need to use appropriate taxonomy to separate these events posts from blog posts if you (eg put all of them into an “events” category)

    2) Add the date to each post in the events category however you wish

    3) Create a standard WordPress PAGE. Let’s call it “Events”. This PAGE can be a blank page with no content. But you’ll assign a custom template to this Events page. Inside the custom page template is where all the magic happens: you’ll have PHP code to query the database to ONLY display posts from this “events” category but sorted by the event date post metadata (rather than the default publication date).

    That’s the general idea.

    Here’s an example of a snippet of code to help sort the posts by a custom field:

    If you need a more specific guidance, please provide:

    1) What theme you’re using for your site (because this will affect how you create the custom template)
    2) How exactly you’re adding (or do you intend to add) the event date post metadata?

    Standing by.

    They are standard blog posts. The date of the event is in the body of the post currently. I’m imagining adding metadata (e.g. tags or custom fields) to enable sorting by event date.

    It seems you know the limitation of what you have now and what you need to do already: you need to add the event date as a custom field or post metadata before you can sort by this date.

    You may use the native Custom Field feature to add your date as a key/value pair, or create a custom meta box for this. Then you’ll need code in a custom page template to display these posts on an “Events” page, sorted as desired. You may do all this manually, or use a plugin to handle these for you.

    There are a ton of plugins out there for creating and displaying custom fields and meta boxes:

    But if you’re going to use a plugin to stitch things together like this, then I’ll re-iterate my earlier recommendation to instead use an event management plugin that has all the pieces streamlined.

    While I’ve reviewed a number of event plugins and calendar plugins, I have not found anything that meets my needs. I’m not hosting events or selling tickets. I don’t want to provide addresses, prices, maps or other details.

    WordPress itself has a ton of features that you’ll never use. And just because an event management plugin has optional features you don’t need is not a good reason to not use it… if it has features you need. The ONLY plugin that will have JUST the features you need (and nothing more) is a plugin you build yourself.

    I am able to login to mysql using ‘sudo mysql -u wordpress -p ‘.

    And are you able to SELECT the configured database after logging in as this user?

    It’s not enough to have the correct username and password: also ensure that the user has all permissions on the individual database you’ve configured in wp-config.php.

    I publish notifications of events in advance. I would like to organize just the events page by the date of the event, rather than the date on which the notice was pubilshed.

    Are these “events” standard WordPress posts? Or are you using some event management plugin (if so, which one)?

    If you’re using standard blog posts for this, how are you specifying the event date (separate from the post’s publishing date)? Are you using Custom Fields? Or are you just sticking the event date in a paragraph in the post’s body?

    If you’re not using one already, I recommend using an event management plugin to manage your events (which should have the feature you’re looking for… and many more), rather than publishing your events as standard blog posts. See:

    This sort of question is easily Googled:

    Feel free to ask any clarifying questions if you have a specific question after your independent research.

    Good luck!

    How can I diagnose this? I would start with logs, if I knew where they were…

    If you’re unable to sort out your email delivery issue, take a look at other ways to reset your WordPress admin password here:

    Good luck!

    Just posting to add that if you’re using WooCommerce already and you’re only concerned about the look of the checkout page, that should be the job of your chosen theme — though 3rd-party page builder plugins may offer additional design options.

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