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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Different posts to logged in and guest usersI guess it’s working now.
It was the WP-Super Cache plugin.
It retained all the cache and never deleted any.
I’ve manually deleted the cache from wp-super cache and now it seems to be working.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Different posts to logged in and guest usersI’ve done this, nothing happens.
I deleted cookies and cache from all browsers after I deactivated the plugins, but nothing.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Different posts to logged in and guest usersYou can login at with user test and password testing to see the difference and see what I mean.
After you will logout everything will come to normal even if your a guest.
Strange…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Huge error log and obscure database problemsI think I’m having the same problem, I have HUGE error logs that overloads my server and crashes my database.
It happened once and I lost 3 months of postings and now it’s happening again, the error logs consists in over 100 Gigs of data, i have erased them and in 5 minutes their back.
How do you shut down this error logs? I don’t need them!Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Show full posts when you click a categoryThanks for the info, working fine.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Comments Not Showing UpI’ve got the same problem, but can’t find a fix for it… ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp cachethank you Rok
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Creating PHP.INI to improve super-slow site (Godaddy host)i understand that slow loads can be affected if you have a lot of content on your main page, but why does the admin page load so slow? this is my problem, both main page and admin are loading very slow and i couldn’t find anything helpfull around here. My blog hosted also on godaddy. It was working like a charm since two days ago, now it take over 1 minute to load, dispite that i have another website that loads very fast.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP EXTREMELY slow / sluggish on os X serverI’ve searched all topics around here, nobody seems to resolve the problem of a slow load, my blog is loading VERY SLOW, over 1 minute load, admin page same problem. I don’t know how to install wp-cache because i can’t acces the shell to do that command line, so any other sugestions? my blog .
PS : my other website works just fine!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp cacheand if i can’t run that command, because i have no shell access, is there any way to install wp-cache?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My WordPress site is incredibly slow…I have the same problem, but how can it be my host (godaddy) since my normal website is working like a charm (loads in 2 secs) and my blog loads in… 5-10 minutes, the admin panel the same time.
Any clue?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.2.1 All pages including admin load slowso your web site is working or not ? because i have the same problem, admin and all pages are loading VERY SLOW, almost time out. my blog at !
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Delayed/Slow homepage loadMy blog is also loading VERY HARD (loaded fast so many months), almost timed out, this hapened yesterday, I didn’t do nothing, just noticed that it loads hard. I was thinking that there is something wrong with my ISP becaus also loaded hard that day. But today same problem, the admin section also loads slow.
I have another web site hosted (loads very fast) and my blog is doesn’t load ??
Any ideea what may be the problem?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress 2.1 All Pages Load SlowMy blog is also loading VERY HARD, almost timed out, this hapened yesterday, I didn’t do nothing, just noticed that it loads hard. I was thinking that there is something wrong with my ISP becaus also loaded hard that day. But today same problem, the admin section also loads slow.
I have another web site hosted (loads very fast) and my blog is doesn’t load ??
Any ideea what may be the problem?